Tags: rsa rabin
# eazy RSA
c = 3708354049649318175189820619077599798890688075815858391284996256924308912935262733471980964003143534200740113874286537588889431819703343015872364443921848
e = 16
p = 75000325607193724293694446403116223058337764961074929316352803137087536131383
q = 69376057129404174647351914434400429820318738947745593069596264646867332546443
Seems like an easy RSA question given `p` and `q`
But if you look carefully, you will notice the **`e` is an unusual number: `16`**
Looking the [wikipedia of RSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)) at the Key generation part:
*Choose an integer e such that 1 < e < λ(n) and gcd(e, λ(n)) = 1; that is, e and λ(n) are coprime*
We know `λ(n) = (p-1)*(q-1)`, it should be an even number
So if `e` is even number, the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of `e` and `λ(n)` confirm not equal 1!
**Therefore, we cannot use the RSA method to calculate the private key and decrypt the ciphertext!**
## Rabin Cryptosystem
When I use the `e` is even, remind me of [Rabin Cryptosystem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabin_cryptosystem)
Because this cryptosystem is very similar to RSA, except `e` must be 2 and the decryption process
The key generation part stated that:
- When `p`,`q` divided by 4, the remainder must = 3 (Because 3 mod 4)
Means `p mod 4 = 3` and `q mod 4 = 3`
Verify that with python:
>>> p = 75000325607193724293694446403116223058337764961074929316352803137087536131383
>>> q = 69376057129404174647351914434400429820318738947745593069596264646867332546443
>>> p % 4
>>> q % 4
Looks like it should be rabin!
Lets try to decrypt it using rabin method!
I refer the code from this [CTF writeup](https://ctftime.org/writeup/13748) to implement the rabin decryption
(egcd) Extended Euclidean Algorithm taken from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4798654/modular-multiplicative-inverse-function-in-python)
from Crypto.Util.number import *
c = 3708354049649318175189820619077599798890688075815858391284996256924308912935262733471980964003143534200740113874286537588889431819703343015872364443921848
e = 16
p = 75000325607193724293694446403116223058337764961074929316352803137087536131383
q = 69376057129404174647351914434400429820318738947745593069596264646867332546443
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
n = p*q
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
g ,yp, yq = egcd(p,q)
mp = pow(c,(p+1)/4,p)
mq = pow(c,(q+1)/4,q)
r = (yp*p*mq + yq*q*mp) % n
mr = n - r
s = (yp*p*mq - yq*q*mp) % n
ms = n - s
for num in [r,mr,s,ms]:
ȩ�ä� �c�a]?y+�4˙�?�Bj
?�n�T� ��a=M,?ۮ�R?Vs�/�?Pv�9�
All garbage, seems like it does not work..
After this, I look back the how the rabin decryption works
Notice `mp` and `mq` is the square root of `c` modulo `p` and `q`
In rabin, it uses `e = 2`, but this question uses `e = 16`
So if we do **square root 4 times**, I guess it should work for this question (Because 2^4 = 16)
Then I change my script abit:
mp = pow(c,(p+1)/4,p)
mq = pow(c,(q+1)/4,q)
for i in range(3):
mp = pow(mp,(p+1)/4,p)
mq = pow(mq,(q+1)/4,q)
r = (yp*p*mq + yq*q*mp) % n
mr = n - r
s = (yp*p*mq - yq*q*mp) % n
ms = n - s
for num in [r,mr,s,ms]:
# flag{d0nt_h4v3_4n_3v3n_3_175_34sy!!!}
# cX��c��?px�B�|^P?�xW?�P�?4 2p�-H%u�??��?�� �����?˛o ?�d�Mo�??4`
# A�MFI�ݴ�qyj��??? ��סfNf�Ͱ�4/z�??-��?�^עU��~r�1!�R�??E'�Cظ�
# !Ɋ�??�b�?9�!�VN���v;?�D�gR���eH��
# Ke=f7�}��⋄?d��J��?<��?P�>
Run it, and I got the flag!!
[Full python script](solve.py)
Alternatively, you can calculate the 16th root with this two statement instead of repeat 4 times:
mp = pow(c,((p+1)/4)**4,p)
mq = pow(c,((q+1)/4)**4,q)
## Flag
> flag{d0nt_h4v3_4n_3v3n_3_175_34sy!!!}