
## Challenge name: Substitution

### Description:
> Source
> nc crypto.2021.chall.actf.co 21601
> P.S: given files: *[chall.py](./chall.py)*

### Solution:

The server code is simple. There is an array containing flag's characters ascii number. For each input, server encrypt flag and give just a number less than 691. Let's discuss how substitue function works. Imagine the flag is "actf". For input *3*, we have:

key = [0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0x66]
output = (0x61 * 3**3 + 0x63 * 3**2 + 0x74 * 3 + 0x66) % 691

If we execute with input *0*, we have:

output = (0x61 * 0 + 0x63 * 0 + 0x74 * 0 + 0x66) % 691

Which we have last character. I was trying to compute others one by one with last character, but that didn't work. Then I realized this is a simple Algebra too! Let's say the flag is 4 characters. We give server 4 input 0 to 3 and then we have:

output0 = (key[0] * 0 + key[1] * 0 + key[2] * 0 + key[3]) % 691
output1 = (key[0] * 1 + key[1] * 1 + key[2] * 1 + key[3]) % 691
output2 = (key[0] * 2**3 + key[1] * 2**2 + key[2] * 2 + key[3]) % 691
output3 = (key[0] * 3**3 + key[1] * 3**2 + key[2] * 3 + key[3]) % 691

4 equations, 4 unknowns! We solve this with sage. We create a matrix 4*4, that represents 0, 1, 2\*\*3, 3\*\*3, etc. We have vector representing unknowns and a vector, output of each equation. But we have another problem. We don't know the flag length. Don't worry! Just Bruteforce!!

I defined **max_len** and as 50, requested server for each input from 0 to 49, then bruteforce flag length and solved equations using sage. For each length, I checked if '*actf{*' is in flag or not.

print ('[*] Getting Y space')
Y = []
for i in range(max_len):
Y = vector(Y)

print ('[*] Bruteforce on flag length')
for i in range(7, max_len):
print ('\t| Flag length: {0}'.format(i))

X = create_X(i)
ans = (X.solve_right(Y[:i])) % 691

flag = ''
for c in ans:
flag += chr(c)

if ('actf{' in flag):
print ('[+] Flag: {0}'.format(flag))

[final exploit.py](./exploit.py)


[+] Opening connection to crypto.2021.chall.actf.co on port 21601: Done
[*] Getting Y space
[*] Bruteforce on flag length
| Flag length: 7
| Flag length: 8
| Flag length: 9
| Flag length: 10
| Flag length: 11
| Flag length: 12
| Flag length: 13
| Flag length: 14
| Flag length: 15
| Flag length: 16
| Flag length: 17
| Flag length: 18
| Flag length: 19
| Flag length: 20
| Flag length: 21
| Flag length: 22
| Flag length: 23
| Flag length: 24
| Flag length: 25
| Flag length: 26
| Flag length: 27
| Flag length: 28
| Flag length: 29
| Flag length: 30
| Flag length: 31
| Flag length: 32
| Flag length: 33
| Flag length: 34
| Flag length: 35
| Flag length: 36
| Flag length: 37
| Flag length: 38
| Flag length: 39
| Flag length: 40
[+] Flag: actf{polynomials_20a829322766642530cf69}

**The Flag**


Original writeup (https://github.com/RaaCT0R/CTF-Challenges/blob/master/cryptography/angstrom2021/substitution/WRITEUP.md).