
Big and strange .json file with something that looked like a programming language grammar. My first thought was to write your own parser and try to make some sense out of it, but this challenge was only 200pts so there should have been an easier solution. I started to wonder and then it hit me.., - the description of the challenge was "it's just a...", and fleshwound is a synonym of a scratch.

Personally, I've never used scratch before, but after quick googling, it turned out that if you change JSON file name to project.json, pack it with zip and rename it to project.sb3 - you can upload it to scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/

After uploading it was very messy and I've never used scratch before so it took a lot of time before I even started to understand what I'm doing.

In the end solution turned out to be quite simple and it was to only change one broadcast from "distract_me" to "finish", and flag was animated for us in the right-upper corner

Original writeup (https://github.com/lasq88/CTF/tree/main/ritsec2021/re/fleshwound).