Also known as
  • Kucyki Security
  • UnicornsofSecurity
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1380DownUnderCTF 202325.00000.131
682Tenable CTF 2023100.00000.377
556 TFC CTF 2023150.00000.675
104GPN CTF 2023419.00000.944
509RITSEC CTF 2023202.00000.721
69Byte Bandits CTF 20231086.00004.432
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
150pingCTF 2022100.00000.734
191SekaiCTF 2022488.00001.229
9WPICTF 20222351.000015.062
4410CTF/TCTF 202218.00000.438
99CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20222245.00006.132
161Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 2022200.00001.117
147CakeCTF 2022290.00000.000
43Tenable CTF 20223000.00008.324
681Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 2425.00003.098
742NahamCon CTF 2022868.00000.871
553b01lers CTF10.00000.141
349PlaidCTF 20221.00000.300
234Midnight Sun CTF 2022 Quals29.00000.240
614DiceCTF 20221.00000.044
307Real World CTF 4th32.00000.581
378TetCTF 2022100.00000.399

Overall rating place: 568 with 51.362 pts in 2021

Country place: 15

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
60BackdoorCTF 202110.00000.476
36idekCTF 20212770.00004.717
477MetaCTF CyberGames 20213050.00004.924
94Dragon CTF 2021235.00007.151
232Damncon 202180.00000.459
264Balsn CTF 202150.00000.529
27Intent CTF 2021500.00002.842
668DamCTF 2021100.00000.337
344WeCTF 2021322.00000.000
88OMH 2021 CTF23.00000.560
67saarCTF 20219510.68173.326
199DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2021101.00002.752
26WPICTF 20212601.00000.000
219Cyber Apocalypse 20216950.00008.716
15RITSEC CTF 20216585.00000.000
163NahamCon CTF 20214963.00004.345
211BSidesSF 2021 CTF101.00000.297
82Tenable CTF 20213400.000011.458
1059DiceCTF 20211.00000.014
221justCTF [*] 2020167.00001.130

Team members

Team writeups

Intent CTF 2021Scadomware [300]read writeup
Intent CTF 2021Keep Safe [200]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Passphrase [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Backdoor [325]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Authenticator [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Alienware [325]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Oldest trick in the book [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Key mission read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Invitation [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Alienphish [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Soulcrabber [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021PhaseStream 4 [1000]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Phase Stream 3 [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Phase Stream 2 [300]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Corruption [500]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Revision [200]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Parcel [200]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 20211597 [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021BIRDTHIEF: Interception [200]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021RITSEC Hash [250]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021snek [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Answers [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Dababy [150]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021IFTPP [500]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021InceptionCTF: Dream [925]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021fleshwound [200]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021PleaseClickAllTheThings Part 4 [350]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021PleaseClickAllTheThings Part 3 [350]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021PleaseClickAllTheThings Part 2 [200]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021PleaseClickAllTheThings Part 1 [150]read writeup
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