**Description**: A data breach has been identified. The invaders have used the oldest trick in the book. Make sure you can identify what got stolen from us.
**Stars**: 1/5
older_trick.pcap - a pcap file
**Goal**: Get flag from the pcap file
At first sight we can see there's plenty of ICMP requests in this pcap file. It smells of ICMP exfiltration.
We can extract data from them with following tshark command `tshark -r older_trick.pcap -Y "icmp && ip.src ==" -e data.data -Tfields > data.txt`
There seem to be some repeated fragments in the data, it looks like it should be only 32 bytes per packet.
We can decode them to the file with a following python script:
import codecs
f = open("data.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
result = b""
for line in lines:
result = result + codecs.decode(line[16:48], "hex")
f2 = open("output.bin", "wb")
Looks like it's a zip archive, so let's unpack it:
$ file output.bin
output.bin: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
It contains folder `fini` which after some consideration looks like exfiltrated user's FireFox data. It apparently contains some encrypted stored passwords in logins.json:
After some googling we can use following tool to decrypt them: https://github.com/lclevy/firepwd
python3 firepwd/firepwd.py -d fini/
decrypting login/password pairs