Tags: python3 rsa 




Do you like milk?


Looking the source code, it is a typical RSA challenge:

from Crypto.Util.number import *
import binascii
flag = open('flag.txt','rb').read()
p = getPrime(1024)
q = getPrime(1024)
n = p*q
e = 2**16+1
pt = int(binascii.hexlify(flag).decode(),16)
print(n, e)

But it only give us the public key (n,e) and p >> 512 , q % 2^512

Which means it give us the top and bottom 512 bits of both factors!

So how we use these two values to recover both factors?

Recover factors

We know that n = pq, but this case we add modulus 2^512:


We know lower bits of q, but we cannot directly divide in modulus

Thats means we need to find inverse modulus of q then multiply n then we can find lower bits of p

Thanks to Python Crypto library, calculate this is easy:

from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
p_high = 10782851882643568436690840861500470716392138950798808847901800880356088489358510127370728036479767973147003063168467186230765513438172292951359505497400115
q_low = 156706242812597368863822639576094365104687347205289704754937898429597824385199919052246554900504787988024439652223718201546746425116946202916886816790677
n = 20478919136950514294245372495162786227530374921935352984649681539174637614643555669008696530509252361041808530044811858058082236333967101803171893140577890580969033423481448289254067496901793538675705761458273359594646496576699260837347827885664785268524982706033238656594857347183110547622966141595910495419030633639738370191942836112347256795752107944630943134049527588823032184661809251580638724245630054912896260630873396364113961677176216533916990437967650967366883162620646560056820169862154955001597314689326441684678064934393012107591102558185875890938130348512800056137808443281706098125326248383526374158851

p_low = n * inverse(q_low,2**512) % 2**512 

Then add the lower bits with higher bits:

p = p_high << 512 | p_low

After that find q with n divide by p, then calculate d to decrypt the flag!

q = n // p
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
# b'flag{H4lf_4nd_H4lf}'

Thats the flag! Full python script



Alternative solution

Another solution is to calculate the high bits of q using high bits of p

Just n divide by high bits p then ignore the lower bits and add it with the high bits of q:

q_high = n//(p_high<<512) >> 512
q = q_high << 512 | q_low

But this method might need to minus few value because of the lower bits missing

Example if n=1234*5678=7006652

We know p=12?? q=??78
7006652 / 1200 = 5838
58 - 2 = 56

But in this case no need to minus it is good:

q_high = n//(p_high<<512) >> 512
q = q_high << 512 | q_low
p = n // q
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
Original writeup (https://github.com/Hong5489/hsctf2021/tree/main/satrapa).