Tags: python3 


# Welcome to the Casino
**Category :** algo

## Description :
Have a warmup algo challenge.

nc not-really-math.hsc.tf 1337

not-really-math.pdf (documentation regarding the algorithm)

## Solution :
This is simple python script where it connects and reads the data line by line using pwntools.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from pwn import *

HOST = 'not-really-math.hsc.tf'
PORT = 1337

def operator(given_str):
new_str = '((' + given_str.replace('a', '+').replace('m', ')*(') + ')) % (2**32 - 1)'
return str(eval(new_str))

conn = remote(HOST, PORT)
given_str = conn.recvline()
conn.send(operator(given_str.decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '')) + "\n")

for i in range(11):
given_str = conn.recvline()
conn.send(operator(given_str.decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '')[2:]) + "\n")

#while True:

Here the core logic is *operator()* function where the received string is taken and modified for the python eval function.

a replaced with `+`

m replaced with `)*(`

Note: add `(` & `)` at begining & ending as required.
# Flag :

Original writeup (https://github.com/kalyancheerla/writeups/blob/main/2021/hsctf_8/not-really-math/operator.py).
kiteJune 28, 2021, 1:29 p.m.

I hope this is helpful as other write-ups have long python scripts.