Tags: crypto 

Rating: 3.0

This crypto challenge uses a text file with some hidden information. If you
open up the file in a text editor, and adjust your window width, you'll
eventually see the repeating pattern line up. This makes it very easy to see
what part of the pattern is actually changing:


I wrote a simple python script to parse this into binary data, and it worked on
the first try:

# read the file into a string
file = open("./round-the-bases")
content = file.read()

# split on every 30th character into a list
n = 30
arr = [ content[i : i + n] for i in range(0, len(content), n) ]

bin = []
for line in arr:
sub = line[16:20] # the part that changes
if sub == 'IIcu': # IIcu -> 0x0
else: # K0o0 -> 0x1

bin = ''.join(bin) # join all the list indices together into a string

# decode the binary string into ascii characters
for i in range(0, len(bin), 8):
print(chr(int(bin[i:i+8], 2)), end='')

# newline for good measure
print("\n", end='')

Original writeup (https://blog.pipeframe.xyz/post/redpwn2021#cryptoround-the-bases).
rPhantomJuly 18, 2021, 3:22 p.m.

Slight modification:
From base85 then from base64 then .....