Tags: pickle vm 



overall idea:

1- Disassembling a multi-layer pickle VM program.

2- Understand the control flow and create an automated parser to parse all the pickled objects to write a solver for the challenge (using Z3py).

Short explanation:

The source code is just loading a pickled object which is loading another object which is loading several other objects based on the flag checking routine. This means if the first check succeeded it jumps to the 2nd check otherwise it'll just return 0 and print a fail message.

We used pickletools to disassemble the objects --> static analysis FTW \o/! These articles 1 2 list of opcodes spec helped us understand the VM spec and the behaviour of the different opcodes.

The flag checking routine is just a combinations of conditions between 2 chars of the flag picked "patternless" in every check function. Totally 250 checks done so 250 conditions that's why we used this automated solution to iterate over all the objects and add constraints to the solver automatically:

from z3 import *
s = Solver()

def jib_el_i(data):
    data = data[data.find("I")+1:]
    return int(data[:data.find("\\n")])

base = b"\x80\x04I102\nI108\nI97\nI103\nI123\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI65\nI125\n"
def get_arguments(data):
    data = data.replace(base, "")
    lines = data.split("\\n")
    if lines[0].endswith("p0"):
        lines[0] = lines[0].replace(b"p0",b"")
        lines[1] = lines[1].replace(b"p1",b"")
        p0 = lines[0].count(b"0")
        p1 = lines[1].count(b"0") + p0
        lines[0] = lines[0].replace(b"p1",b"")
        lines[1] = lines[1].replace(b"p0",b"")
        p1 = lines[0].count(b"0")
        p0 = lines[1].count(b"0") + p1
    return (p0, p1)

lines = open("final").read().strip().split("\n")
flag = []

for i in range(64):
    flag.append(BitVec("a%i"%i, 8))

flag[0] == ord('f')
flag[1] == ord('l')
flag[2] == ord('a')
flag[3] == ord('g')

for line in lines:
    p0, p1 = get_arguments(line)
    if "pickledhorseradish" in line: 
        i = jib_el_i(line)
        s.add( (flag[p0] + flag[p1]) == i)
    elif "pickledcoconut" in line:
        i = jib_el_i(line)
        s.add( (flag[p0] - flag[p1]) == i)
    elif "pickledlychee" in line:
        i = jib_el_i(line)
        s.add( (flag[p0] ^ flag[p1]) == i)
    elif "pickledcrabapple" in line:
        s.add(flag[p0] == flag[p1])
    elif "pickledportabella" in line:
        s.add(flag[p0] != flag[p1])
    elif "pickledquince" in line:
        s.add(flag[p0] <= flag[p1])
    elif "pickledeasternmayhawthorn" in line:
        s.add(flag[p0] >= flag[p1])

flg = ""

if s.check() == sat:
    modl = s.model()
    for i in range(64):
        flg += chr(modl[flag[i]].as_long())
    print "flag: ",flg[::-1]
    print "NOT SOLVABLE"
Original writeup (https://github.com/KEERRO/ctf-writeups/tree/master/RedpwCTF%202021/rev/pickled-onions).