Tags: shietidk
Rating: 4.8
Warmup your crypto skills with the superior number system!
when looking at enc.py
fib = [1, 1]
for i in range(2, 11):
fib.append(fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2])
def c2f(c):
n = ord(c)
b = ''
for i in range(10, -1, -1):
if n >= fib[i]:
n -= fib[i]
b += '1'
b += '0'
return b
flag = open('flag.txt', 'r').read()
enc = ''
for c in flag:
enc += c2f(c) + ' '
with open('flag.enc', 'w') as f:
you can see that every charachter of the flag is being encrypted through a function called c2f through transforming the ascii code n by comparing it to the fibonacci number corresponding to that index and replacing it by b..u get the idea
My approach is mathematically based and it consists basically on finding the lower and upper bound of n at each iteration of the loop: by iterating through the binary if the charachter is 0 then n was at the iteration less than that fib[i] so u can at each time change the lower bound and upper bound so u can finally find lower and upper bound differing by just 1 and since the comparison in the enc.py is "greater or equal" so n at the last iteration is the lower bound and then I apply the chr function to get the charachter put together u get the flag :D
fib = [1, 1]
for i in range(2, 11):
fib.append(fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2])
with open('flag.enc','rb') as f:
ct_blocks = ct.split(b' ')
for blo in ct_blocks:
for b,i in zip(blo,range(10,-1,-1)):
idx = bytes([b])
if idx == b'1':
lower= fib[i]-test_n
upper= fib[i]-test_n
#FLAG: corctf{b4s3d_4nd_f1bp!113d}
Very well done, thinking outside the box. Good job!
can't wait for your next one.