Tags: misc restricted-bash fuzzing miscellaneous shell 

Rating: 5.0

# Shelle
### Challenge
**Tag:** _Medium_

Professor Shelle created a custom psuedo shell for us to learn Linux, she believes it's safe and no one can ever read the flag. Can you prove her wrong?

### Solve
On the first login everyone does the directory list so I did the same thing:
assignment.txt bin

i cat the `assigment.txt` and it was the rules for the students... but we are not here to learn something we are here to get the flag!

I played a bit with those commands then I asked myself what if I don't run them and run something else... so I ran:
/bin/bash: nano: command not found

I'm a vim user but nano is basically everywhere!

but it wasn't there! so I ran another one...
one of the papular commands is grep. I ran `grep *` to basically cat the `assignment.txt` but it gave me an error!
root@shelle$grep *
grep *

Illegal Character found, for safety reasons only certain characters are allowed

illegal character? hmmmmmmmm?

In the last write-up in [Misc: Badwords], I write about what I usually do in this kind of challenge...
basically, I try to get a new shell by running the command for example bash or sh...

I went to do the same thing but it said:
/bin/bash: bash: command not found
I used an escape character (BackSlash) to bypass it but it gave me an illegal character error.

so our goal is to find special characters!
for this I'm using:


knowing the illegal characters will help me to work better with the shell.

then when I was manually doing the fuzzing I found out that `-` is not blocked...
the `-` was returning the `/bin/bash` help menu because if you do something like this:

/bin/bash -c -

you will get an error and help menu...

how do I know that `-c` flag is used?

well! it's fuzzing again...

if you do `"`without closing it you will get this message:

/bin/bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I was doing the fuzzing that I found out `$` character is not blocked so I knew that I can do something with that!

there is one big thing that works with `$` in shells and that's variables!
there are a lot of ways to do it but I tried these:
and set command worked and listed all of the environment variables.

in the environment variables, I saw two-variable `BASH` & `SHELL`...
which both of them will point to the bash location this is what I do in the restricted shells at first.

I used `$SHELL` and boom it worked I got the shell!
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
bash: groups: command not found

and I straight went for the flag!

how do I know where that flag is?

well after seeing that `assignment.txt`, I played a bit with those commands and when I was using the `ps` command I saw something sus.

there is a binary on `/opt/binary` which was the only thing that was weird in those processes!
I didn't know that flag is there I just felt it and went for it and boom:

shelle@shelle-09175d04c26df208-77c8546756-f8lqx:~$ cd /opt/
cd /opt/
shelle@shelle-09175d04c26df208-77c8546756-f8lqx:/opt$ ls
binary flag.txt
shelle@shelle-09175d04c26df208-77c8546756-f8lqx:/opt$ cat flag.txt
cat flag.txt

GopherSploitSept. 19, 2021, 3:38 p.m.
