Tags: elmagal crypto 


# [CSAW CTF 2021] forgery

## tl;dr

The server asks for one of three strings but must be signed correctly using the
[Digital Signiture Algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Signature_Algorithm) (DSA)
with prime $p$.
Only the lower 1024 bits of input matter so we can fake a message by using number theory and hide the message in higher order bits.

## Description


Felicity and Cisco would like to hire you as an intern for a new security company that they are forming. They have given you a black box signature verification system to test out and see if you can forge a signature. Forge it and you will get a passphrase to be hired!

nc crypto.chal.csaw.io 5006


## Solving the challenge

We first notice that the code verifies our triple (answer, $r$, $s$), before
checking if certain strings appear as a substring as our answer.
elif verify(answer, r, s, y):
if b'Felicity' in answer_bytes:
print("I see you are a fan of Arrow!")
elif b'Cisco' in answer_bytes:
print("I see you are a fan of Flash!")
print("Brown noser!")
Furthermore a mask of the lower 1024 bits is defined and only that is verified against $r$ and $s$.
MASK = 2**1024 - 1


def verify(answer: str, r: int, s: int, y: int):
m = int(answer, 16) & MASK
if any([x <= 0 or x >= p-1 for x in [m,r,s]]): #hrm s = 0 or -1 is ez
return False
return pow(g, m, p) == (pow(y, r, p) * pow(r, s, p)) % p

So we can choose any message $m$ of up 1024 bits, hide our substring in the upper bits, and come up with an $r$ and $s$ that satisfies:

g^m \equiv y^r r^s \pmod p

Furthermore, none of our choices of $m, r, s$ can be equal to 0 or $p-1$, which would easily and trivially satisfy the equation.
However we can choose the next best thing, $ m = r = s = \frac{p-1}{2}$.
By basic number theory, any number to the power of $\frac{p-1}{2}$ is either $1$ or $-1$
mod $p$, and these numbers are distributed essentially randomly (not really but for our purposes
they are).

So with a $50$ percent chance this choice will work!

Solve script:

from pwn import *
def read_until(s, delim=b':'):
delim = bytes(delim, "ascii")
buf = b''
while not buf.endswith(delim):
buf += s.recv(1)
return buf

sock = connect("crypto.chal.csaw.io",5006)
read_until(sock, ':')
read_until(sock, ' ')
p = int(read_until(sock, ' ').strip())
g = int(read_until(sock, ' ').strip())
y = int(read_until(sock, '\n').strip())

phi = p-1
fake = (p-1)//2
msg = b'both'+ l2b(fake)
answer = b2l(msg)
r = fake
s = fake

print(bytes(msg.hex(), 'ascii'))
sock.sendline(bytes(msg.hex(), 'ascii'))
while True:
print(read_until(sock, '\n'))



Original writeup (https://davidzheng.web.illinois.edu/2021/09/14/csawctf-forgery.html).