Also known as
  • MidwestMinistryofMachines

Academic team University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign



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SIGPwny is the undergraduate special interest group for security at UIUC.

The "MidwestMinistryofMachines" alias is a superteam: UIUC (SIGPwny) + Purdue (b01lers) + Ohio State (Buckeye Bureau of BOF)


Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 67 with 339.953 pts in 2024

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
52BRICS+ CTF Quals 2024404.00002.365
6BuckeyeCTF 20245494.000043.721
4CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20246405.000027.250
610ImaginaryCTF 2024700.00002.428
664HITCON CTF 2024 Quals50.00000.741
36DownUnderCTF 20244508.000027.855
146Google Capture The Flag 2024162.00002.783
40UMDCTF 20245087.000017.918
3b01lers CTF 202413624.000035.556
22osu!gaming CTF 20244596.000013.490
22LA CTF 202411708.000016.438
36DiceCTF 2024 Quals1959.000019.923

Overall rating place: 114 with 265.735 pts in 2023

Country place: 12

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
10NewportBlakeCTF 202310991.00000.000
3CSAW CTF Final Round 20234440.00000.000
51LakeCTF Quals 23464.00003.662
103DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals238.00002.020
13MapleCTF 20232742.000013.065
5BuckeyeCTF 20239635.000039.753
14CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20238870.000020.224
2PatriotCTF 202314708.000036.780
140ImaginaryCTF 20231282.00003.222
105PlaidCTF 2023270.00009.017
133LINE CTF 2023101.00000.961
32b01lers CTF1229.00007.597
9LA CTF 202313883.000024.577
43DiceCTF 20231337.00009.560

Overall rating place: 49 with 346.020 pts in 2022

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
175NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 524.00001.104
1STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 20224450.000040.000
3GlacierCTF 20224159.000029.803
4SunshineCTF 20222838.000020.162
5Square CTF 20223801.000038.228
5CSAW CTF Final Round 20224180.00000.000
2BuckeyeCTF 20229084.000037.068
15Reply Cyber Security Challenge 20221932.00009.285
179ASIS CTF Quals 202270.00002.128
9CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20228542.000025.053
591MapleCTF 20221.00000.043
63corCTF 20221152.00003.707
6BYUCTF 202210101.00000.000
92ångstromCTF 20221910.000023.103
4b01lers CTF3140.000033.804
9CrewCTF 202212618.000013.436
3Wolverine Security Conference/CTF11812.000029.518
13TSJ CTF 20221098.00009.485
37Decompetition v2.0800.66003.519
7DiceCTF 20223664.000017.809
628Real World CTF 4th32.00000.490
167KnightCTF 20222125.00007.172

Overall rating place: 97 with 205.071 pts in 2021

Country place: 14

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
57hxp CTF 2021329.00005.097
4CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE5624.00000.000
4MetaCTF CyberGames 202114250.000028.794
50Dragon CTF 2021449.000013.631
2CSAW CTF Final Round 20214483.000033.594
5BuckeyeCTF 20214717.000022.518
175pbctf 2021134.00000.772
3Overflow To Fall6404.000027.291
2CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202110148.00000.000
47RaRCTF 20213370.00005.603
28Zh3r0 CTF V23166.00004.770
78DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2021330.00008.702
8b01lers CTF6223.00000.000
224NahamCon CTF 20213745.00003.274
73DiceCTF 2021696.00003.973
750x41414141 CTF4868.00000.000
62Real World CTF 3rd160.00002.397

Overall rating place: 136 with 174.389 pts in 2020

Country place: 19

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
379hxp CTF 202019.00000.469
12pbctf 20202118.000011.476
35Dragon CTF 20201178.000026.298
13CSAW CTF Final Round 20202551.000017.434
96MetaCTF CyberGames 20205250.00008.143
22BsidesBOS CTF5192.000011.894
38CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20202555.000035.774
328FwordCTF 2020261.00000.408
237Google Capture The Flag 2020150.00002.406
61NahamCon CTF3475.000011.853
719PlaidCTF 20201.00000.144
678AUCTF 2020907.00000.538
111b01lers CTF402.00001.591

Overall rating place: 300 with 77.673 pts in 2019

Country place: 31

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
128X-MAS CTF 20191326.00001.757
228TUCTF 20194136.00008.429
396RITSEC CTF 2019321.00000.573
23CSAW CTF Final Round 20192301.000019.343
10CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20194251.000037.529
54ASIS CTF Quals 2019540.00006.994
47FireShell CTF 2019704.00003.048

Overall rating place: 411 with 49.859 pts in 2018

Country place: 48

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
184TUCTF 20183361.00008.513
89RITSEC CTF 20181961.00005.629
139Square CTF 201824442.00006.575
596picoCTF 201811210.00000.000
46CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20182801.000015.911
146SEC-T CTF102.00001.279
70TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 2018762.000011.952
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
447ASIS CTF Quals 20171.00000.046
64Codegate 2017 prequals475.00004.697
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
650CSAW CTF Qualification Round 201675.00000.390
626Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2nd 201610.00000.170
449IceCTF 2016791.00000.000
85SECUINSIDE CTF Quals 2016101.00000.623

Organized CTF events

UIUCTF 202467.51
UIUCTF 202350.75
UIUCTF 202234.64
UIUCTF 202123.76
UIUCTF 202023.76

Team members

Team writeups

corCTF 2022Microsoft ♥ Linux [122]read writeup
MetaCTF CyberGames 2021Unionized [275]read writeup
MetaCTF CyberGames 2021Two's Compliment [250]read writeup
CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021Forgery [405]read writeup
CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021Bits [497]read writeup
PlaidCTF 2021Wowza! [350]read writeup
Dragon CTF 2020Scratchpad [324]read writeup
b01lers CTFalien_tech [300]read writeup
ASIS CTF Quals 2019Silk Road I [83]read writeup