Tags: osint
**Lost Fresher**
Description: * Hello There, I am L0stFresh3r. I have given my interview and passed my 1st round. I can pass the last round only if I get the flag. Can you help to find it?*
1. If we tried username lookup we can find this ([https://twitter.com/L0stFresh3r/status/1456688265029849088](https://twitter.com/L0stFresh3r/status/1456688265029849088)) --> `c2VsZWN0ZWQgZm9yIHRoZSAxc3Qgcm91bmQ-` --> he is selected for first round
2. There we can find the job company account ([https://twitter.com/Follow_Omegby1](https://twitter.com/Follow_Omegby1))
3. ([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cWvqyjRUNEz8yzmFgjSuJw5DFTwXVmphXvpGH4Y6LVI/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cWvqyjRUNEz8yzmFgjSuJw5DFTwXVmphXvpGH4Y6LVI/edit#gid=0)) here we got the candidates list , so checking the title there is another cipher with base64 encoded `O5FoQ5Au9mxkMLBoNK7dPWtXPqojAJAqHaFNAo6-=` --> using `+\-0-9A-Za-z` we get ([https://pastebin.com/1S6NdY3B](https://pastebin.com/1S6NdY3B))
4. In feedback section of the candidate list the is another cipher and another pastbin link , we tried that but its a fake flag.
5. after we can see the feedback of the real candidate `InVinciR@Y` -->`Your name is Special! Your key of success. Like your working skils,Do not fall into any trap, please check your result`, as this sentence given in his feedback
6. so the twitter id is `InVinciR@Y_xZ9HQjYixz` --> seems like a key so if we tried that as password for pastebin we will get the flag as `EHACON{WTAtSDAhVUNyM0NLX0lUIQ==}`
7. once again decrypt the base64 :)