<h1>K3RN3L DROID</h1>
Points: 500
Kiddie Pool/Reverse Engineering
![Alt text](https://i.imgur.com/QbrMCF3.png "Title")
extern puts
extern exit
extern gets
extern strlen
extern printf
section .text
global _start
push 0xD3ADC0DE
jb 0x004010ed
;je l1 + 1
;je l2
jmp label1
push rax
mov rax, 0xCAFEBABE
cmp rax, 0x0000000F
je label2
jmp label4
push rdi
push r8
mov r8, 0x9418561
cmp r8, 0x9401586
jne label2
push r9
mov r9, 0x000000A
sub r9, r8
jmp label4
jmp 0xDEADC0DE
jmp label3
push r8
mov r8, 0xFFFFFF
jmp r8
lea rdi, [welcomeMessage]
call puts
jmp label4
lea rdi, [pinCode]
call gets
mov rdi, rax
call strlen
cmp rax, 0x8
jne invalid_pin_length
je label5
jmp end
push rcx
push 0x5
mov rax, 0x5
mov rcx, rax
pop rax
push r9
mov r9, rcx
pop rcx
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x0]
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x31
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x32
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x35
je invalid_pin
push 0xFFFFFFF
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x1]
cmp r9b, 0x34
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x2]
cmp r9b, 0x37
jg invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x3]
cmp r9b, 0x39
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
push r8
pop r9
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x4]
cmp r8b, 0x31
jb invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jge invalid_pin
xor r8, r8
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x5]
cmp r8b, 0x30
jbe invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jae invalid_pin
push rcx
mov r8, rcx
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x6]
cmp r8b, 0x39
jne invalid_pin
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x7]
cmp r8b, 0x36
jl invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x36
jg invalid_pin
jmp valid_pin
jmp valid_pin
push rax
push rcx
mov rax, 5
mov rcx, 4
imul rax
pop rcx
mov r8, rax
pop rax
pop rcx
jmp invalid_pin
db 0xe8
xor rax, rax
xor rax, rax
je l2 + 1
jne l2 + 0xCAFEBABE
db 0xe9
pop rax
push rdi
lea rdi, [invalidPinLengthMessage]
call puts
jmp end
lea rdi, [invalidPinMessage]
call puts
jmp end
lea rdi, [validPinMessage]
lea rsi, [pinCode]
call printf
lea rsi, [newLine]
call puts
jmp end
mov rdi, 0x0
call exit
section .data
welcomeMessage db "Welcome in KernelDroid, please input your PIN code to enter into phone", 0
invalidPinLengthMessage db "I'm sorry your pin is not valid, at least it should be 8 (0-9) numbers length for example. 123456789", 0
invalidPinMessage db "This is not valid PIN!", 0
validPinMessage db "Great, your flag flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_%s}", 0
pinCode db "", 0
toString db "%s", 0
newLine db 10
Let's start analyze from _start function
push 0xD3ADC0DE
jb 0x004010ed
;je l1 + 1
;je l2
jmp label1
push rax
mov rax, 0xCAFEBABE
cmp rax, 0x0000000F
je label2
jmp label4
We can see that there's a lot of trash opcodes and jumps, but let's start from the beginning.
First two instructions are just trash, and next two are commented so just don't pay attention to it.
Fifth opcode is jmp label1 so we should go there, instructions after this opcode are usseless because we jumped out to label1.
We are in label1 now
push rdi
push r8
mov r8, 0x9418561
cmp r8, 0x9401586
jne label2
push r9
mov r9, 0x000000A
sub r9, r8
jmp label4
jmp 0xDEADC0DE
push rdi
push r8
mov r8, 0x9418561
cmp r8, 0x9401586
jne label2
Values are not equal, so we go ahead and we can hit in
jmp label4
So we are at label4, where we can find that program gets from us PIN and check is length 8 characters, then jump to label5 if yes
lea rdi, [pinCode]
call gets
mov rdi, rax
call strlen
cmp rax, 0x8
jne invalid_pin_length
je label5
jmp end
push rcx
push 0x5
mov rax, 0x5
mov rcx, rax
pop rax
push r9
mov r9, rcx
pop rcx
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x0]
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x31
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x32
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x35
je invalid_pin
push 0xFFFFFFF
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x1]
cmp r9b, 0x34
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x2]
cmp r9b, 0x37
jg invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x3]
cmp r9b, 0x39
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
push r8
pop r9
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x4]
cmp r8b, 0x31
jb invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jge invalid_pin
xor r8, r8
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x5]
cmp r8b, 0x30
jbe invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jae invalid_pin
push rcx
mov r8, rcx
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x6]
cmp r8b, 0x39
jne invalid_pin
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x7]
cmp r8b, 0x36
jl invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x36
jg invalid_pin
jmp valid_pin
We don't care about pushed values on the stack, let's focus on pinCode checks
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x0]
cmp r9b, 0x30 ;0
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x1]
cmp r9b, 0x34 ;4
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x2]
cmp r9b, 0x30 ;0
jne invalid_pin
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x3]
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin ;0
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x4]
cmp r8b, 0x31
jb invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jge invalid_pin ;1
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x5]
cmp r8b, 0x30
jbe invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jae invalid_pin ;1
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x6]
cmp r8b, 0x39
jne invalid_pin ;9
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x7]
cmp r8b, 0x36
jl invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x36
jg invalid_pin ;6
jmp valid_pin
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/assembly_programming/assembly_conditions.htm - compare conditions with ASCII table gave us PIN code: 04001196
lea rdi, [validPinMessage]
lea rsi, [pinCode]
call printf
lea rsi, [newLine]
call puts
jmp end
validPinMessage db "Great, your flag flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_%s}", 0
printf("Great, your flag flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_%s}", pin) -> Great, your flag flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_04001196}