Tags: hexahue encoding miscellaneous 


Hexahue encodes letters as blocks of pixels

Opening up the file we can see some hexahue

The image is 111340 x 50 pixels, so we have a lot of hexahue to deal with. Decoding the first bit using https://www.dcode.fr/hexahue-cipher we get the string “lorem ipsum dolor” so we know most of this text is a red herring.

I found two scripts that take hexahue images and translate them to text:
The script by dmell(https://github.com/dmell/hexahue-decoder/blob/master/hexahue.py) looks a bit simpler so we’ll pick that to modify.

Our hexahue image is 50 pixels tall so each square is 10 x 10. The script expects 1x1 squares so we’ll need to modify the math somewhat. The script also doesn’t expect a column of whitespace between each hexahue letter, so we must account for that too.

We get lorem ipsum text and find the flag here:
d aliquet lacus vestibulum message sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia the message you seek is ihatehexahuesomuchpleasehelp sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur elit at imperdiet dui ac

Flag format wants uppercase so our final answer is vsctf{IHATEHEXAHUESOMUCHPLEASEHELP}

Original writeup (https://medium.com/@asmolia/vsctf-2022-miscellaneous-hexahue-hate-57d80fc15614).