Sat, 09 July 2022, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 10 July 2022, 16:00 UTC 


smileyCTF (formerly vsCTF) event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.32 

Rating weight: 23.32 

Event organizers 

vsCTF is a capture the flag competition organized by the team View Source. vsCTF includes challenges for players of all skill levels and everyone is welcome to participate and learn.

Categories include reverse engineering, pwn, cryptography, forensics, web, and misc.

Join our discord at for giveaways and a comfy community!

Infra sponsored by


1st Place - $500
2nd Place - $275
3rd Place - $175

Giveaways in the Discord server for the duration of the CTF as well.

Thanks to OtterSec for sponsoring our prize pool!


634 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 thehackerscrew 14400.00046.640
2 idek 14400.00034.980
3 Matryoshka 13428.00029.519
4 CyberSpace 11922.00025.137
5 ⚔️TSJ⚔️ 10943.00022.386
6 Brunnerne 8989.00018.444
7 NestingDoll 8481.00017.066
8 Arr3stY0u 8057.00015.963
9 Sandwich Group 8037.00015.607
10 Flag Poisoning 8001.00015.289
11 NUSHmallows 7999.00015.074
12 796f75 7688.00014.394
13 DragonSec SI 7524.00013.979
14 JustForShow 7077.00013.127
15 Social Engineering Experts 6540.00012.146
16 Maple Bacon 6086.00011.313
17 TeamCC 6070.00011.202
18 spookies 6047.00011.088
19 traP 6039.00011.007
20 Kokoro 5660.00010.332
21 InfoSecIITR 5622.00010.215
22 MQCyberSec 5268.0009.591
23 coldboots 5142.0009.341
24 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 4810.0008.761
25 Radewoosh Solo 4803.0008.711
26 Catmunch 4730.0008.557
27 Yesterday 4667.0008.422
28 Mason Competitive Cyber 4663.0008.384
29 Corkonians 4659.0008.349
30 Hack♥️ 4652.0008.311
31 Akatsuki 4652.0008.286
32 Dizzy spell 4621.0008.212
33 return catbui; 4605.0008.164
34 finishingEatingLah 4227.0007.531
35 bruh 4215.0007.492
36 CyberSlacker 3844.0006.873
37 Excalibur 3811.0006.802
38 1753c 3738.0006.667
39 SOter14 3697.0006.585
40 m3ow 3425.0006.130
41 JokiRokiBoki 3388.0006.055
42 La Root'In 3321.0005.933
43 xXxpassword123xXx 3308.0005.899
44 0822 3264.0005.816
45 OnlyFeet 3262.0005.801
46 pymi 3228.0005.735
47 BIT CRIMINALS 3161.0005.615
48 wgpsec 2921.0005.216
49 ARESx 2904.0005.179
50 f1rs7_7im3 2878.0005.127
51 nemesis 2874.0005.112
52 ShiFu 2776.0004.944
53 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 2776.0004.936
54 upbhack 2769.0004.916
55 1336 2456.0004.401
56 AG 2435.0004.360
57 セキュリティーパック 2428.0004.341
58 Rhackgondins 2406.0004.298
59 CSAAC 2381.0004.251
60 noraneco 2372.0004.230
61 TaruTaru 2359.0004.203
62 LimeXorLemon 2355.0004.190
63 f34rl3ss 2348.0004.173
64 Byters 2340.0004.154
65 hamayanhamayan 2336.0004.142
66 Fl4g Sm4sher 2329.0004.125
67 gsitcia 2322.0004.108
68 InnanetPolice 2321.0004.102
69 kiyotakaakaiwa 2314.0004.085
70 no route to host 2307.0004.069
71 T1-1E_130ys 2290.0004.037
72 us3rnam3 2255.0003.976
73 KUDoS 2174.0003.840
74 Sentinels of Security 2095.0003.708
75 Task_Hashed 2068.0003.660
76 TheBadGod 2067.0003.654
77 princep2 2062.0003.642
78 TheUndergrounds 2062.0003.638
79 evilhunter 2062.0003.634
80 MrNo0ne 2020.0003.563
81 fierceBadRabbits 2007.0003.538
82 K-Hack 1996.0003.517
83 TempS 1992.0003.507
84 Almond Force 1964.0003.458
85 Looking for a teammate 1962.0003.452
86 Otsutsuki 1961.0003.447
87 NoCtfNoLife 1960.0003.442
88 bER4bb1t$ 1917.0003.369
89 Nupakachi 1908.0003.352
90 Try Harder 1905.0003.344
91 LCF 1891.0003.319
92 Disboard 1877.0003.293
93 Ilovetehpeng 1869.0003.277
94 RedTeam@MTU 1867.0003.272
95 Vindicator 1657.0002.929
96 SwegSparrow 1621.0002.868
97 Red Knights 1616.0002.857
98 p3 1604.0002.836
99 &buf 1598.0002.823
100 ATLAS 1587.0002.803
101 test 1563.0002.762
102 ajeje 1553.0002.744
103 ANONYMOUS 1544.0002.727
104 ****** 1536.0002.712
105 CSALab_Sec 1536.0002.710
106 PastelDeNata 1534.0002.704
107 Y3agerists 1534.0002.702
108 scanderbug 1533.0002.699
109 Eskalasi Hak Istimewa 1515.0002.667
110 TheVOID 1515.0002.665
111 Malrev 1505.0002.647
112 jason 1505.0002.645
113 HacktBack 1498.0002.632
114 phoenix1204 1490.0002.618
115 Xelvis64 Shield 1490.0002.616
116 rabbitsthecat 1483.0002.603
117 Punkey 1473.0002.585
118 m1z0r3 1473.0002.583
119 Wani Hackase 1473.0002.581
120 neversaydie 1465.0002.567
121 acdwas 1465.0002.565
122 onotch 1461.0002.557
123 bruhdadox 1454.0002.544
124 ROIS 1451.0002.538
125 Samurai 1446.0002.528
126 TommyXiaomi 1444.0002.524
127 SUMNOOBDEVS 1442.0002.519
128 bamboo 1442.0002.517
129 ultra hacking club 1442.0002.516
130 Simhi Gerner 1435.0002.503
131 fzhshzh 1427.0002.489
132 Tzion 1420.0002.476
133 Cryptonite 1415.0002.467
134 hiahi 1373.0002.398
135 beyondSecurity 1322.0002.314
136 Flagsomnia 1186.0002.092
137 DamnIHaveToStudyForExam 1163.0002.054
138 Mr_Lucifer 1118.0001.980
139 ÄlgBaguette 1115.0001.973
140 F411_GUY5 1108.0001.961
141 n0n 1104.0001.953
142 RPCA Cyber Club 1075.0001.905
143 DVCool 1075.0001.904
144 Mean2 1075.0001.903
145 Rubi di Cubrik 1068.0001.890
146 Asmolia 1068.0001.889
147 Flaggermeister 1063.0001.880
148 HectorHW 1053.0001.863
149 cgrenier 1038.0001.837
150 _Strawhats_ 1030.0001.823
151 Beruna 1026.0001.816
152 Utaha 1021.0001.807
153 Applicative 1021.0001.806
154 Fep 1019.0001.802
155 Ir0n Maiden 1017.0001.797
156 rik 1017.0001.796
157 GGiid 1017.0001.796
158 N30Z30N 1016.0001.793
159 Paktectives 1012.0001.786
160 BeiluoSect 1009.0001.780
161 Hirota Sora 1008.0001.777
162 W4r_R4bbits 1002.0001.767
163 psawo 1002.0001.766
164 93wilsonlu 1002.0001.765
165 Baguo 1002.0001.764
166 posix 992.0001.747
167 q1e123 990.0001.743
168 987.0001.737
169 CyberErudites 987.0001.736
170 ex3x 987.0001.736
171 Ashes on The Fire 987.0001.735
172 trion 987.0001.734
173 Weak But Leet 980.0001.722
174 testers 980.0001.721
175 kanon 916.0001.617
176 AT16 SQUAD 909.0001.605
177 HyperCyberCore 892.0001.576
178 pgsd 887.0001.567
179 yongtaiwoo 875.0001.547
180 PainTrain 809.0001.440
181 Gang de la Sinfonia 683.0001.235
182 les amateurs 682.0001.233
183 Pengg0damn 669.0001.211
184 flagdode 664.0001.202
185 n35c4p3 659.0001.193
186 k3rn3lp4n1c))) 655.0001.186
187 sp00ky__ 655.0001.185
188 sf_t4ng0 655.0001.185
189 Seadyot 652.0001.179
190 ri5e 652.0001.179
191 McShk 652.0001.178
192 Elbart Veli 645.0001.166
193 ADFKNQQR 640.0001.157
194 wepwn 640.0001.157
195 AntiAnti 640.0001.156
196 a2g2 640.0001.155
197 szof 640.0001.155
198 Riot Of Noob 635.0001.146
199 Brav0Team 635.0001.146
200 lot_tich 635.0001.145
201 fr334aks-Mini 633.0001.141
202 Martial_Law_Enforcer 633.0001.141
203 bdhxgrp 633.0001.140
204 yessir 633.0001.139
205 idawnlight 630.0001.134
206 ZeroFlagsInc 630.0001.133
207 TOK TOK 623.0001.122
208 pwnnnnn 623.0001.121
209 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 623.0001.120
210 Dark_Warrior$ 623.0001.120
211 Tsai_Dog 567.0001.029
212 gensotekiS3c 567.0001.028
213 QIQ 567.0001.028
214 da81u 559.0001.014
215 Gemooy 557.0001.010
216 f34rl3ss 557.0001.010
217 Mass)OoooOOn 557.0001.009
218 SFT0 557.0001.009
219 B!-Men 557.0001.009
220 ORDIX AG 557.0001.008
221 89cr3w 557.0001.008
222 BoldEagle 557.0001.007
223 \_/R$5@F 557.0001.007
224 INVALID_TEAM 557.0001.006
225 Rice 557.0001.006
226 dephault 557.0001.005
227 Null Exploitation 557.0001.005
228 ISK 557.0001.004
229 mium 557.0001.004
230 DOA BUNDA 557.0001.003
231 1mm0rta1 557.0001.003
232 cyberTrooper 557.0001.003
233 M0B 557.0001.002
234 r9k 557.0001.002
235 CyTeam 557.0001.001
236 CyberVN 557.0001.001
237 yes sir 557.0001.000
238 Morphisec 557.0001.000
239 PwnProphecy 557.0001.000
240 solitaire-gang 557.0000.999
241 zeroTwo 557.0000.999
242 SLab 557.0000.998
243 vscode 552.0000.990
244 r4!nb0w5 545.0000.978
245 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 535.0000.962
246 Universe 535.0000.961
247 Spikezz0xF69sh 535.0000.961
248 GamingChair 535.0000.960
249 l3gi0n 535.0000.960
250 Boombang 535.0000.960
251 Acceleration 496.0000.896
252 ec 490.0000.886
253 m1t0 490.0000.886
254 AuroraDawn 481.0000.871
255 willwam845 464.0000.843
256 dtl 464.0000.843
257 K33P_Qu!34 457.0000.831
258 andser612345 457.0000.830
259 eejdee hairtai 457.0000.830
260 HomeShoe1337 457.0000.830
261 k0kos 457.0000.829
262 missionUnpossible 457.0000.829
263 AT16_SQUAD 452.0000.821
264 pantun 452.0000.820
265 happyfmy 452.0000.820
266 NoobFinch 452.0000.820
267 w3libz 435.0000.792
268 sm1le 435.0000.791
269 Backnet 423.0000.772
270 skb 357.0000.665
271 yuanzhi 357.0000.664
272 pcs 357.0000.664
274 Keep Cryptanalyzing 357.0000.663
275 Watchmen 210.0000.425
276 H4CK3R_C311S_453 210.0000.425
277 qazwsx321 210.0000.424
278 AquariusSect 210.0000.424
279 MonkeysPawLaboratory 210.0000.424
280 0xCrips 210.0000.423
281 Flaress 210.0000.423
282 Periwinkle 210.0000.423
283 KMA_KN 210.0000.422
284 EsperantoCity 210.0000.422
285 Mihran 210.0000.422
286 W34K_BU7_1337 210.0000.422
287 210.0000.421
288 S3cj0y 210.0000.421
289 SHAOCHI LU 210.0000.421
290 mugiwara 210.0000.420
291 SiliconBits 210.0000.420
292 pIPe 210.0000.420
293 Flagmeisters 210.0000.420
294 Fl4hwh3r3 210.0000.419
295 Kaisu 210.0000.419
296 control 210.0000.419
297 emrehampolat 200.0000.402
298 late 200.0000.402
299 Lucretea 200.0000.402
300 some_usual_team 200.0000.402
301 1nf1n1ty 200.0000.401
302 Alexius 200.0000.401
303 ImMike 200.0000.401
304 InT(Security) 200.0000.401
305 P0w_ler 200.0000.400
306 Rojla 200.0000.400
307 GitPushou 200.0000.400
308 random_asdassad 200.0000.400
309 Pa0x73cal 200.0000.399
310 5ca5dd 200.0000.399
311 lauraedani 200.0000.399
312 Myanmar 200.0000.399
313 Do_I_Know_You? 200.0000.398
314 R0GU3_H4CK 200.0000.398
315 Devilian 200.0000.398
316 REEtry 200.0000.398
317 foobugs 200.0000.397
318 _xD 200.0000.397
319 PC Team One 200.0000.397
320 4ak4ak 200.0000.397
321 Triumvirate 200.0000.397
322 200.0000.396
323 b0rn2Br00t 200.0000.396
324 jerry 200.0000.396
325 shitty-f 200.0000.396
326 Luckl3ss 200.0000.395
327 Mobmaker 200.0000.395
328 PriShi 200.0000.395
329 joe 200.0000.395
330 over0 200.0000.395
331 down_button 200.0000.394
332 4nony0us 200.0000.394
333 CyberHeaven University 200.0000.394
334 Aquariia 200.0000.394
335 Hacking-Ghosts 200.0000.394
336 RookieOnes 200.0000.393
337 <B!nAryReact0rs> 200.0000.393
338 AURORS 200.0000.393
339 f0rtun3 200.0000.393
340 PUTrequest_ 200.0000.392
341 Niko.12 200.0000.392
342 Cypher404 200.0000.392
343 CRMA Cyber Club 200.0000.392
344 Zeynarz 200.0000.392
345 P-star* 200.0000.391
346 BackMoon 200.0000.391
347 Unkown Byte 200.0000.391
348 d01t 200.0000.391
349 salespies 200.0000.391
350 sparow 200.0000.391
351 LiTTLeAncHaIneD 200.0000.390
352 aoma 200.0000.390
353 Fr3shW4t3r 200.0000.390
354 Hidden Lock 200.0000.390
355 passwd1 200.0000.390
356 Cyber_Potato 200.0000.389
357 Lo Teks 200.0000.389
358 Guti 200.0000.389
359 CutoloFamily 200.0000.389
360 XBin 200.0000.389
361 Lastoria 200.0000.388
362 404 200.0000.388
363 G3n1u5 200.0000.388
364 Mastasugu 200.0000.388
365 Eba 200.0000.388
366 SL33PING_B3AU7Y 200.0000.388
367 403__Forbidden 200.0000.387
368 0c34ns0ng 200.0000.387
369 Cyber1 200.0000.387
370 fr334aks 200.0000.387
371 KXTI_N3RDS 200.0000.387
372 WarriorPinguine 200.0000.387
373 Pepelaff 200.0000.386
374 no0ps 200.0000.386
375 Poki880 200.0000.386
376 letstry 200.0000.386
378 THE WORLD!!! 200.0000.386
379 nam4lpha 200.0000.385
380 SecretsOfTheDark 200.0000.385
381 T4ng0_t34m 200.0000.385
382 m4lware 200.0000.385
383 0xSneeq 200.0000.385
384 n3rd$ 200.0000.385
385 exyu 200.0000.384
386 Laughterland 200.0000.384
387 ByteLounge 200.0000.384
388 lizard 200.0000.384
389 erastos 200.0000.384
390 equalizer 200.0000.384
391 Pum4H4x 200.0000.384
392 y1211 200.0000.383
393 0xdeadsea 200.0000.383
394 p4ss{1ts}k3y 200.0000.383
395 ManBearPig 200.0000.383
396 N$4 200.0000.383
397 IsolatingBeforeItWasCool 200.0000.383
398 Mambas 200.0000.382
399 Havanas.Mensch 200.0000.382
400 oioki 200.0000.382
401 NiBi 200.0000.382
402 GacaGang 200.0000.382
403 Outlawz 200.0000.382
404 parkour 200.0000.382
405 cgn2858 200.0000.381
406 CyberWolf 200.0000.381
407 arokota 200.0000.381
408 Haoyang Lu 200.0000.381
409 h4lcy0n 200.0000.381
410 Sup3r_N0va 200.0000.381
411 gons6329 200.0000.381
412 1gy 200.0000.380
413 Napst3r-CTF 200.0000.380
414 nottoogood 200.0000.380
415 Get 'em all 200.0000.380
416 qiluo 200.0000.380
417 ice-cream truck 200.0000.380
418 123 200.0000.380
419 Testing 200.0000.380
420 Bits & Pieces 200.0000.379
421 pizzaftw 200.0000.379
422 cyberdetail101 200.0000.379
423 DilettanteSquad 200.0000.379
424 wabbit corp, intergalactic 200.0000.379
425 qwertyyyyyyyy 200.0000.379
426 ThePenetrator 200.0000.379
427 WWW 200.0000.379
428 Queens 200.0000.378
429 sugariin_sugadalai 200.0000.378
430 SUSU_v_CTF 200.0000.378
431 goseungduk 200.0000.378
432 jessevz 200.0000.378
433 Cr33pt0s 200.0000.378
434 base64 200.0000.378
435 h3x3d 200.0000.377
436 valholl 200.0000.377
437 EchoKratos 200.0000.377
438 4k3l4rr3 200.0000.377
439 CSUI 200.0000.377
440 SoSad Team 200.0000.377
441 z4pkinus 200.0000.377
442 /dev/null 3> 200.0000.377
443 cd_A$$ 200.0000.377
444 kauzu 200.0000.376
445 Sapphoneix 200.0000.376
446 Shirokuma4690 200.0000.376
447 Shyok 200.0000.376
448 Schrodinger's cats 200.0000.376
449 trojanduck 200.0000.376
450 Prathik 200.0000.376
451 NAZCA 200.0000.376
452 20s 200.0000.375
453 bbz 200.0000.375
454 BrokenLamp 200.0000.375
455 kgrzk2 110.0000.229
456 123456 110.0000.229
457 Cyber__Bebriki 110.0000.229
458 Blight_Force 110.0000.229
459 110.0000.229
460 th3c0rt3x 110.0000.229
461 0utca$t 110.0000.229
462 IThinkICanAlsoGetFlag 110.0000.229
463 loserswarwick 110.0000.229
464 sier 100.0000.212
465 0x1337deadbeef 100.0000.212
466 Tylerv 100.0000.212
467 TYsec 100.0000.212
468 0xCAFEDEAD 100.0000.212
469 bLuu 100.0000.212
470 TCTN 100.0000.212
471 KapiSec 100.0000.211
472 100.0000.211
473 Tirth 100.0000.211
474 TeamHalfDay 100.0000.211
475 keymoon 100.0000.211
476 PNDKids 100.0000.211
477 akk4sn3h 100.0000.211
478 Gon_Tanaka 100.0000.211
479 Ham on Biscuits 100.0000.211
480 ttyusb 100.0000.211
481 crys250801 100.0000.210
482 Jongko_JoyoBoyo 100.0000.210
483 j0e_Binary 100.0000.210
484 4nonymous4 100.0000.210
485 thairalone2 100.0000.210
486 NULL 100.0000.210
488 {InsertCoolName} 100.0000.210
489 coffeeicecubes 100.0000.210
490 nothing 100.0000.210
491 salakau 100.0000.209
492 YONKO 100.0000.209
493 newb1e2 100.0000.209
494 kurkotoff 100.0000.209
495 boten 100.0000.209
496 BingBong 100.0000.209
497 J4m 100.0000.209
498 LetsGooo 100.0000.209
499 Sabertooth Cyber 100.0000.209
500 sh4llo7 100.0000.209
501 TheHwackra 100.0000.208
502 level_Zero 100.0000.208
503 nu11z_ 100.0000.208
504 spoilers 100.0000.208
505 Gl@d!ator 100.0000.208
506 Lemonz 100.0000.208
507 Gatox Team 100.0000.208
508 DistinguishedPenguins 100.0000.208
509 Khong biet choi 100.0000.208
510 For-Fun 100.0000.208
511 moghrib 100.0000.208
512 tabi 100.0000.207
513 wodited487 100.0000.207
514 <OOO> 100.0000.207
515 l3pra 100.0000.207
516 shustrov38 100.0000.207
517 MaybePlaying 100.0000.207
518 back2school 100.0000.207
519 AZEPORT 100.0000.207
520 ananas12345 100.0000.207
521 beerpwn 100.0000.207
522 ladys 100.0000.207
523 Lu1gi 100.0000.207
524 R3MAN3 100.0000.206
525 Hacky Easter 100.0000.206
526 AutoBOTZ 100.0000.206
527 r3dpig 100.0000.206
528 Lynx 100.0000.206
529 Fuzz Fighters 100.0000.206
530 DegenerationB 100.0000.206
531 TeamBananas 100.0000.206
532 DubCrew 100.0000.206
533 Closers 100.0000.206
534 userctf 100.0000.206
535 lalala 100.0000.206
536 AhmedMhesham 100.0000.205
537 Ruffitoss 100.0000.205
538 shafouz 100.0000.205
539 toto 100.0000.205
540 M4b1z0 100.0000.205
541 judoguy 100.0000.205
542 CShell 100.0000.205
543 IPv18 100.0000.205
544 skyepodium 100.0000.205
545 YUL 100.0000.205
546 baracuda 100.0000.205
547 viol1t 100.0000.205
548 imagine :) 100.0000.204
549 123546 100.0000.204
550 cultivate 100.0000.204
551 conciu 100.0000.204
552 HHHH 100.0000.204
553 babyrookie 100.0000.204
554 AUZ1 100.0000.204
555 cyberaguiar 100.0000.204
556 admin123 100.0000.204
557 tq 100.0000.204
558 Catcheryp 100.0000.204
559 D34nhK13n 100.0000.204
560 TryAgainDz 100.0000.204
561 HHJ_JXX 100.0000.204
562 noobs 100.0000.203
563 dumb_machine 100.0000.203
564 BuBu22 100.0000.203
565 0xsoloteam 100.0000.203
566 web_newbies 100.0000.203
567 StrixGoldhorn 100.0000.203
568 J!TO 100.0000.203
569 localh0st 100.0000.203
570 yennb 100.0000.203
571 a10n3 100.0000.203
572 vip-undefined 100.0000.203
573 DoomHack 100.0000.203
574 WhatIsCTF 100.0000.203
575 sarasvillas 100.0000.203
576 one-shot 100.0000.202
577 xSpark 100.0000.202
578 gr3yFl4g3rs(SMVDU) 100.0000.202
579 NANO 100.0000.202
580 fr0g2s 100.0000.202
581 HTEV 100.0000.202
582 Inv1s1bl3 100.0000.202
583 tryingReallyHard 100.0000.202
584 SJCTF 100.0000.202
585 n0_fl4g 100.0000.202
586 Crystal_Field 100.0000.202
587 MnetHackers 100.0000.202
588 cherry 100.0000.202
589 foooo 100.0000.202
590 IndoLegends 100.0000.201
591 jrke 100.0000.201
592 M0ngi 100.0000.201
593 virus 100.0000.201
594 eUnw 100.0000.201
595 Team null 100.0000.201
596 kanyewest 100.0000.201
597 dcua 100.0000.201
598 sequence 100.0000.201
599 qwe 100.0000.201
600 dozer 100.0000.201
601 Onsra03 100.0000.201
602 CXOU 100.0000.201
603 Wingoc 100.0000.201
604 Forestwolf 100.0000.201
605 BiteTheDust 100.0000.200
606 Harvey Norman Inc 100.0000.200
607 watabe 100.0000.200
608 Make_1t_0r_d1e 100.0000.200
609 _vxid 100.0000.200
610 bet75 100.0000.200
611 iranari 100.0000.200
612 cr4ck/y0ur/s3cr3t 100.0000.200
613 LaGangDelBosco 100.0000.200
614 zeesozee 100.0000.200
615 DarkFlow 100.0000.200
616 WIUT 100.0000.200
617 WAF 100.0000.200
618 GdT 100.0000.200
619 krypton 100.0000.200
620 Team Marlin 100.0000.200
621 Grrrrrung 100.0000.199
622 scmm 100.0000.199
623 tinmin 100.0000.199
624 Edward_Snowden 100.0000.199
625 [KOR] RedSec 100.0000.199
626 The Stranger 100.0000.199
627 0xL4ugh 100.0000.199
628 Squar3 100.0000.199
629 testtest123 100.0000.199
630 sigterm 100.0000.199
631 scored 100.0000.199
632 Custos 100.0000.199
633 KKT 100.0000.199
634 Real ninjas 100.0000.099
635 MongolianEmpire1 100.0000.099
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