Tags: reversing
# Pizza Pazzi, 150 points
I started by decompiling the apk to be able to analyze it.
To do this, I used the site `http://www.javadecompilers.com/apk`
After downloading the zip that the site returned to me, I started digging through the files and came across:
"Food Delivery App", which made me think of... pizza!
After digging around a bit, you quickly find:
Which gives us the first flag:
**Flag 1: CTF{St4RT_Y0uR_3NG1N3X}**
We also find `Q1RGe1doMF80bV9JfQ==` and `Q1RGe1doNHRfMV80bV93MHJ0aH0=`
Which gives us :
**Flag 2: CTF{Wh0_4m_I}**
**Flag 3: CTF{Wh4t_1_4m_w0rth}**
And finally in another file (LoginActivity.java) we find `Q1RGe1doM3JlXzFzX3RoM19mMDBkfQ==`
So :
**Flag 4: CTF{Wh3re_1s_th3_f00d}**