Rating: 5.0
00401000 int64_t _start() __noreturn
00401017 syscall(sys_write {1}, fd: 1, buf: "Give me the flag: That was not t…", count: 0x12)
00401025 int64_t rax = syscall(sys_read {0}, fd: 0, buf: &__return_addr, count: 0x64)
0040102b if (rax == 0x40)
0040102d int64_t r12_1 = 0
0040103e for (int64_t r10_1 = 0; r10_1 s< rax; r10_1 = r10_1 + 1)
0040104d int64_t r8_2 = rol.q(*((zx.q(*(&__return_addr + r10_1)) << 3) + 0x40203c), 8)
00401051 uint64_t r13_1 = zx.q(r8_2.b)
00401055 int64_t r14_1 = 0
0040105b while (true)
0040105b if (r14_1 s>= r13_1)
0040106b r12_1 = r12_1 + 1
0040106b break
0040105d r8_2 = rol.q(r8_2, 8)
00401064 if (r8_2.b == r10_1.b)
00401064 break
00401066 r14_1 = r14_1 + 1
00401076 if (r12_1 == 0)
00401089 return sub_40109a(0, &data_40202a, 0x12) __tailcall // win
00401098 return sub_40109a(0, "That was not the flag :(That was…", 0x18) __tailcall
input string of len 0x3f (0x40 with \n), then each char is checked i dont care/know how but:
so we can bruteforce each char using a gdb script:
import gdb
import string
passlen = 0x40
break_addr = 0x00401073
code = ["_"]*passlen
printable = string.printable[:-5]
def gdb_run_with_stdin(pwd):
with open('_cracking', 'w') as f:
gdb.execute('run < _cracking')
def read_reg(reg):
return gdb.parse_and_eval("${}".format(reg))
def gdb_continue():
gdb.execute('break *{}'.format(break_addr))
errors = -1
for trial in range(passlen):
for c in range(0x21, 0x7E+1):
code[trial] = chr(c)
print("trying: %s"%''.join(code))
res = int(read_reg("r12"))
if errors == -1:
errors = res
if res > errors:
errors = res
if res < errors:
print('FOUND: %s'%''.join(code))
errors = res
% gdb switcheroo
pwndbg> source lolz.py
//// wait for it
trying: lactf{4223M8LY_5W17Ch_57473M3n75_4r3_7h3_4850LU73_8357_u+1f60az_
Give me the flag:
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401073 in ?? ()
trying: lactf{4223M8LY_5W17Ch_57473M3n75_4r3_7h3_4850LU73_8357_u+1f60a{_
Give me the flag:
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401073 in ?? ()
trying: lactf{4223M8LY_5W17Ch_57473M3n75_4r3_7h3_4850LU73_8357_u+1f60a|_
Give me the flag:
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401073 in ?? ()
trying: lactf{4223M8LY_5W17Ch_57473M3n75_4r3_7h3_4850LU73_8357_u+1f60a}
Give me the flag:
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401073 in ?? ()
FOUND: lactf{4223M8LY_5W17Ch_57473M3n75_4r3_7h3_4850LU73_8357_u+1f60a}_