Also known as
  • xXxpassw0rd123xXx
  • definitively_not_xXxpassword123xXx_trust_me_no_fake_no_scam


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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 521 with 91.749 pts in 2024

Country place: 7

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
17DEADFACE CTF 20247353.000025.229
41PatriotCTF 20246694.000012.416
103CISA ICS CTF 20244470.00006.773
111CrewCTF 2024182.00000.763
218HITCON CTF 2024 Quals50.00001.049
507DownUnderCTF 20241100.00006.470
82vsCTF 20242560.00008.136
145NahamCon CTF 20243845.00008.027
34SAS CTF 2024 Quals414.00001.927
182Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale11175.000013.473
81bi0sCTF 2024659.00004.594
124BITSCTF 2024821.00002.348
590xL4ugh CTF 2024702.00002.438
368Real World CTF 6th32.00001.618
77Insomni'hack teaser 2024241.00003.692
86IrisCTF 20241586.00002.941

Overall rating place: 145 with 224.014 pts in 2023

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
15pingCTF 20232305.000012.351
23TUCTF 20232697.00008.303
124 GlacierCTF 2023330.00001.436
275Square CTF 202376.00000.902
511337UP LIVE CTF3176.00005.651
86Cybercoliseum II5200.00006.116
50LakeCTF Quals 23464.00003.666
190FE-CTF 2023: The UniPwnie Experience238.00000.180
40DEADFACE CTF 20234915.000016.812 CTF 2023423.00009.066
25MapleCTF 20231299.00006.275
12vsCTF 20235838.000015.259
151ASIS CTF Quals 202376.00002.004
128SECCON CTF 2023 Quals240.00005.939
135CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20231961.00004.288
21Cyber Heroines CTF2200.000010.716
36PatriotCTF 20238807.000015.363
107HITCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00001.627
51DownUnderCTF 20234128.000016.968
83SekaiCTF 20231284.00003.364
35Hacker's Playground 2023832.000010.738
180Bauhinia CTF 202350.00000.373
3CYBERGON CTF 20236165.000026.053
29CTFZone 2023 Quals2022.000024.664
31Tenable CTF 20233738.000013.562
77Securinets CTF Quals 2023200.00003.373
29Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2023 Qualifications3600.00008.037
44 TFC CTF 20231907.00008.571
175ImaginaryCTF 20231100.00002.750
57AmateursCTF 20238555.00008.413
20CyberSecurityRumble Quals2192.00008.732
63UIUCTF 2023961.000010.329
276Google Capture The Flag 2023142.00002.166
29Codegate CTF 2023 Preliminary533.00002.699
31n00bzCTF 20238646.000010.608
68DanteCTF 20231368.00004.619
132TJCTF 2023260.00002.116
33Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers1875.00007.050
23HeroCTF v55977.000011.409
24PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits"2874.000012.037
3BSidesSF CTF 202321351.000037.053
1Cyberconférence CTF (24h@CTF '23)11210.00000.000
49cursedCTF 20231884.00003.605
13RITSEC CTF 20235926.000021.737
23Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission18825.000019.903
6DaVinciCTF 20235542.000023.415
84KalmarCTF 2023800.00001.477
87HackTM CTF Quals 2023100.00000.753
50xL4ughCTF 20235288.000022.043
97LA CTF 20235746.00009.283
66Insomni'hack teaser 2023224.00001.476
40idekCTF 2022*4277.00005.412
611IrisCTF 202350.00000.148
189Real World CTF 5th34.00000.962

Overall rating place: 134 with 190.699 pts in 2022

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
20NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 2784.00006.350
46X-MAS CTF 20221663.00004.215
29INTENT CTF 20221050.00004.572
10Hackappatoi CTF '224019.000011.772
3TUCTF 20229789.000025.682
115HITCON CTF 2022272.00004.628
28Square CTF 20221401.000012.699
8COMPFEST CTF 20221960.000012.533
226SECCON CTF 2022 Quals129.00003.304
35Jade CTF2391.00006.406
6DEADFACE CTF6150.000022.143
13Srdnlen CTF 20222322.00008.736
33SekaiCTF 20222893.00007.265
64DiceCTF @ HOPE 20222846.000012.965
43vsCTF 20223308.00005.899
145DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202237.00001.624
5Midnight Flag - INF3KTION11687.000022.832
18CrewCTF 20227442.00007.722
14Securinets CTF Quals 2022 9955.000030.428
16Winja CTF | Nullcon Berlin 20221641.000010.401
7UMassCTF 20224638.000017.672
63zer0pts CTF 2022529.00003.884
21DaVinciCTF 20225132.000013.288
15UMDCTF 202215403.000020.456
65MHSCTF 2022780.00000.000
62DiceCTF 2022956.00004.122
33Insomni'hack teaser 2022456.00003.627
72Real World CTF 4th105.00002.083

Overall rating place: 222 with 112.821 pts in 2021

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
10idekCTF 202110090.000017.152
14iCTF 2021122220.370010.183
951Cyber Santa is Coming to Town1500.00004.660
76Dragon CTF 2021247.00007.713 CTF 2021121.00002.643
13DEADFACE CTF7299.000018.097
27TastelessCTF 2021916.00009.680
22Trend Micro CTF 2021 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier600.00003.155
41Hacker's Playground 2021614.00003.418
321Google Capture The Flag 202150.00001.071
89redpwnCTF 20211943.00007.138
12CyberThreatForce CTF | 20214585.00000.000
21THC CTF 20212167.00008.389
61Zh3r0 CTF V21249.00001.932
57Pwn2Win CTF 2021405.00006.417
59Cyber Apocalypse 202112000.000015.270
176FooBar CTF 2021301.00000.935
21UMassCTF 20213873.000012.780

Team members

Team writeups

LA CTF 2023switcheroo [445]read writeup
LA CTF 2023ctfd-plus [397]read writeup
0xL4ughCTF 2023XPacker [494]read writeup
Square CTF 2022Yet Another Reversing Activity read writeup
Insomni'hack teaser 2022ExPiltration [79]read writeup
Insomni'hack teaser 2022AndroNotes [147]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Key mission read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Invitation [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Alienphish [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Low Energy Crypto [325]read writeup
idekCTF 2021Doctor's Words read writeup
idekCTF 2021Are You lstening to Me?? read writeup
idekCTF 2021Rolling on my Own read writeup
idekCTF 2021The Obscure Old Registers read writeup
Dragon CTF 2021Easy NFT [354]read writeup
Dragon CTF 2021Compress The Flag [156]read writeup
CyberThreatForce CTF | 2021TakeYourTime [200]read writeup
THC CTF 2021Expressive Expressions [244]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTF V2strpos and substr [395]read writeup
Pwn2Win CTF 2021Illusion [152]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse 2021Alien Speak [375]read writeup