Ronnie coleman has a message for you but you have to first arrange the weights to get the message. Hint: Use a underscore between words for the flag. In this question we were given four .wav files:
After analysing there files in Audacity, I got some horizontally sliced words, which I joined using Paint.
After joining these images using Paint, I got some text “Gosqrd” and “Romnz”
But this lead me to nowhere and I concluded maybe this was just a RickRoll for us. After reading 1st line of the question again, “Ronnie coleman has a message for you” I tried searching about this guy Ronnie coleman, and he is a popular body builder. Then I searched for some random terms like “Ronnie coleman messages” but nothing came out, then I tried “Ronnie coleman best messages”. This prompted me with some of his famous quotes,
I tried entering light_weight_yeah_budyy! in several ways but it was good for nothing, Finally I tried entering light_weight and IT Workedddddd!!!
Flag: VishwaCTF{light_weight}