
DESCRIPTION I love to play blindfold chess and this game is one of my easiest win . It's been a long time since I played this game and now I forgot all moves. Help me recall my game and mention all the moves we played in flag . ( btw I was never good in blindfold games what I did was just played against low rated players ) The flag format is VishwaCTF{move1_move2_move3_.....all moves of my game)

The Description of the challenge reads that the player was playing chess and he was never good in the chess but he won because he played with a low rated player and the challenge name reads “FOOLish” so I combined both the hints and made a web search as “chess FOOL move” and I found a trick called FOOL’s mate which has some moves by using which you can win a game and also the flag format says that it contains moves and underscores in between them. So, I took the first line of the move and pasted it in the flag format and used underscore in between them.


Final Flag: VishwaCTF{f3_e6_g4_Qh4#}

Original writeup (https://github.com/CBC-MIT/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/VishwaCTF2k23/My%20FOOLish%20Opponent).