Also known as
  • 0xCarpeDiem
  • 0xCarpeDien
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
597SECCON CTF 13 Quals50.00001.347
827SpookyCTF 20241.00000.028
656DEADFACE CTF 202488.00000.334
599corCTF 20241.00000.102
1088ImaginaryCTF 2024300.00001.052
297HITCON CTF 2024 Quals50.00000.927
542vsCTF 2024353.00001.127
432BCACTF 5.0235.00001.949
298 GPN CTF 2024183.00000.777
407ångstromCTF 2024220.00003.821
544HTB Business CTF 2024: The Vault Of Hope900.00001.048
145Break the Syntax CTF 202450.00000.322
1229BYUCTF 2024100.00000.229
556TBTL CTF 2024200.00001.070
65squ1rrel CTF 20241792.00004.122
405Cybercoliseum Ⅲ600.00001.082
253UMDCTF 2024497.00001.824

Overall rating place: 541 with 80.712 pts in 2023

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
637CakeCTF 202346.00000.000
61N1CTF 2023160.00004.390
157DEADFACE CTF 20232090.00007.005
94ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals210.00001.228 CTF 2023170.00003.809
206SunshineCTF 2023401.00004.192
42Balsn CTF 2023556.000010.898
74Hacker's Playground 2023610.00007.494
318CYBERGON CTF 2023100.00000.370
314DeconstruCT.F 2023175.00000.501
666 TFC CTF 2023100.00000.460
292ImaginaryCTF 2023700.00001.743
79The Odyssey CTF58.00001.372
180BDSec CTF 20231150.00001.817
411zer0pts CTF 202353.00000.788
216AmateursCTF 20232239.00002.203
338HTB Business CTF 2023: The Great Escape1850.00002.457
317CrewCTF 2023100.00000.140
259Crypto CTF 202356.00001.419
175UIUCTF 2023501.00005.255
159BSidesTLV 2023 CTF100.00000.406
246NahamCon CTF 20232216.00003.950
82SEETF 20231731.00002.503
59BCACTF 4.01100.00006.896
264n00bzCTF 20232092.00002.506
36GPN CTF 20231349.00002.962
60HSCTF 107171.000018.199
60justCTF 2023682.00006.064
21Break the Syntax CTF 20231630.000010.318
254UMass CTF 202325.00000.259
334WolvCTF 2023350.00000.577
200UTCTF 2025 2023240.00000.791
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
299ASIS CTF Finals 202227.00001.102
156th stage MetaRed CTF Centroamérica y Caribe 20223600.00000.000
591SECCON CTF 2022 Quals50.00001.278
121Azure Assassin Alliance CTF 2022343.00000.677
205Incognito 3.0100.00000.325
509b01lers CTF10.00000.146
308RITSEC CTF 2022275.00000.915
618LINE CTF 20221.00000.043
294OFPPT-CTF Morocco2170.00002.164
251UTCTF 2025 20221023.00001.905
121UMDCTF 20222129.00002.793
149TSJ CTF 2022100.00000.857
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
59CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE537.00000.000
234CyberSecurityRumble CTF100.00000.725
78MetaRed International CTF 2021 - 4th STAGE526.00000.000
747CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021111.00000.000
344ALLES! CTF 2021104.00000.990
228RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC700.00000.000
345Crypto CTF 202119.00000.261
437CyBRICS CTF 202150.00000.442
461ImaginaryCTF 2021380.00000.880
893redpwnCTF 2021511.00001.817
3810CTF/TCTF 2021 Quals 24.00000.454
646DCTF 2021350.00000.000
130San Diego CTF 2021383.00000.000
364DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2021101.00002.568
384HeroCTF v3186.00000.705
652ångstromCTF 2021245.00001.850
127Securinets CTF Quals 202150.00000.457
140LINE CTF 202150.00000.335
127BlueHens CTF 2021110.00000.429
307UTCTF 20211984.00002.032
2696NahamCon CTF 2021150.00000.136
230DaVinciCTF 202165.00000.638
134BSidesSF 2021 CTF303.00000.730
238zer0pts CTF 2021107.00000.607
25Ugra CTF Quals 20211100.00008.589
912DiceCTF 20211.00000.032
602justCTF [*] 202050.00000.346
437BambooFox CTF 20211.00000.060
330*CTF 202140.00000.162
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
217Brixel CTF winter edition317.00000.000
112RuCTFE 20203.78000.732
216VULNCON CTF 2020300.00000.593
137hxp CTF 202019.00000.907
2592020 December Metasploit community CTF200.00002.486
14CTF Metared UNLP.EDU.AR Stage1145.00004.567
120Newark Academy CTF 20203276.00006.078
25e-Jornadas 20202200.00009.509

Team members

Team writeups

N1CTF 2023laravel [110]read writeup CTF 2023Awesomenotes I read writeup CTF 2023Based Encoding read writeup
Balsn CTF 2023SaaS [285]read writeup
Balsn CTF 20230FA [79]read writeup
GPN CTF 2023cross-site-python [345]read writeup
GPN CTF 2023what-the-flag [238]read writeup
HSCTF 10west-side-story [470]read writeup
HSCTF 10flag-shop [451]read writeup
HSCTF 10fancy-page [429]read writeup
HSCTF 10very-secure [393]read writeup
HSCTF 10mogodb [350]read writeup
HSCTF 10th3-w3bsite [100]read writeup
justCTF 2023eXtra Safe Security layers [173]read writeup
justCTF 2023Dangerous [231]read writeup