Rating: 5.0

## Open-Source Intelligence/Away on Vacation (255 solves)
Created by: `Lychi`

> Iris and her assistant are away on vacation. She left an audio message explaining how to get in touch with her assistant. See what you can learn about the assistant.

We are given a voicemail of a person named 'Iris'. For convinience, we are given a transcript of the audio file.

Hello, you’ve reached Iris Stein, head of the HR department! I’m currently away on vacation, please contact my assistant Michel. You can reach out to him at [email protected]. Have a good day and take care.

Doing a lookup of the email on [epieos.com](https://epieos.com/) and find the full name of the Google account is `Michelangelo Corning` (shocker).

When we lookup his name, we come across a [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelangelo-corning-6b1b7a2a4/) and an [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/michelangelo_corning/)!



Browsing his Instagram posts, one post catches my eye and the description contains our flag!

![Instagram Post](https://seall.dev/images/ctfs/irisctf2024/aov_3.png)

Flag: `irisctf{pub1ic_4cc0unt5_4r3_51tt1ng_duck5}`

**Files:** [away-on-vacation.tar.gz](https://web.archive.org/web/20240107215543/https://cdn.2024.irisc.tf/away-on-vacation.tar.gz)

Original writeup (https://seall.dev/posts/irisctf2024/#open-source-intelligenceaway-on-vacation-255-solves).