
# Personal Breach

### Solution
For this challenge, we need to find some information about ```Iris Stein```.
* How old is Iris?
* What hospital was Iris born in?
* What company does Iris work for?

We already know that she is the head of HR department and related to Michel. We can see her account in ```Michelangelo Corning```'s following tab.


I tried to find a post that mention anything about her birthday or her workplace but nothing seems related. There is one post mentioning about her mother's birthday in April and it also mentions about her account which is not on Instagram.


By searching the username @/ElainaStein on Google, we found one account on Facebook by the name ```Elaina Stein```. She is definitely ```Iris Stein```'s mother.

From the posts, we found out that Iris's birthday is 27 April 1996. Considering that the question may be made during 2023, Iris's age will be 27.


Elaina Stein also mention that she gave birth in ```the best maternity hospital in Manhattan```. By searching that keyword on Google, I found a Yelp link that shows the list of hospital. The first hospital is ```Lenox Hill Hospital``` which is the answer.


Lastly, we need to find where ```Iris Stein``` works. LinkedIn is the best platform to search for someone's career information. Then, we found out that she works in ```Mountain Peak Hiring Agency```.


### Flag
The flag for this challenge is ```irisctf{s0c1al_m3d1a_1s_an_1nf3cti0n}```.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ArifPeycal/IrisCTF2024-Writeup/tree/main/Personal%20Breach).