Magical contracts are hard. Occasionally, you sign with the flag instead of your name. It happens.
Given a PDF with the context that it was signed with the flag by accident, so looking into PDF extraction I find pdfly
which seems to have capabilities to extract images and other data from a PDF. I install pdfly with pipx to start.
$ pipx install pdfly
installed package pdfly 0.3.1, installed using Python 3.9.19
These apps are now globally available
- pdfly
done! ✨ ? ✨
Afterwards I use the extract-images
function to pull out the images inside the PDF.
$ pdfly extract-images contract.pdf
Extracted 6 images:
- 0-Image5.jpg
- 1-Image5.jpg
- 2-Image5.jpg
- 2-fzImg0.png
- 2-fzImg1.png
- 2-fzImg2.png
One of the images, 2-fzImg1.png
, contains the flag!
Flag: utflag{s1mple_w1z4rding_mist4k3s}