Rating: 3.0

RE: Skipper

0x0804a08e lea eax, dword [ebp - local_40ch]
0x0804a094 push eax

// The first call:
0x0804a095 call sub.memset_871 ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
0x0804a09a add esp, 0x10
0x0804a09d sub esp, 8
0x0804a0a0 lea eax, dword [ebp - local_40ch]
0x0804a0a6 push eax
0x0804a0a7 push str.Computer_name:__s_n ; str.Computer_name:__s_n ; "Computer name: %s." @ 0x804a31f
0x0804a0ac call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format);
0x0804a0b1 add esp, 0x10
0x0804a0b4 sub esp, 8

// Test string:
0x0804a0b7 push str.hax0rz__ ; str.hax0rz__ ; "hax0rz!~" @ 0x804a332

0x0804a0bc lea eax, dword [ebp - local_40ch]
0x0804a0c2 push eax

// String comparison:
0x0804a0c3 call sym.imp.strcmp ; int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
0x0804a0c8 add esp, 0x10

// Test:
0x0804a0cb test eax, eax
0x0804a0cd je 0x804a0f3

By examining the file, we can see that it is checking various values; hostname needs to be 'hax0rz!~', OS Version needs to be '2.4.31' and CPU needs to be 'AMDisbetter!'. Passing these three tests leads to 0x08048a63 which seems to do a lot of operations against a few character values, and presumably returns the flag.

// Start of function related to flag generation
0x08048a63 push ebp
0x08048a64 mov ebp, esp
0x08048a66 sub esp, 0x68 ; 'h'
0x08048a69 mov eax, dword gs:[0x14] ; [0x14:4]=1
0x08048a6f mov dword [ebp - local_ch], eax
0x08048a72 xor eax, eax

// Loading values that will be decoded to flag
0x08048a74 mov dword [ebp - local_35h], 0x34373738
0x08048a7b mov dword [ebp - local_31h], 0x39643462
0x08048a82 mov dword [ebp - local_2dh], 0x35343763
0x08048a89 mov dword [ebp - local_29h], 0x34313461
0x08048a90 mov dword [ebp - local_25h], 0x35356338
0x08048a97 mov dword [ebp - local_21h], 0x66383439
0x08048a9e mov dword [ebp - local_1dh], 0x36336235
0x08048aa5 mov dword [ebp - local_19h], 0x37336636
0x08048aac mov dword [ebp - local_15h], 0x65643039
0x08048ab3 mov dword [ebp - local_11h], 0x38623035

Since we know that the flag is returned by the application, based on the challenge description, we attempt to patch the executable at its first call to 0x08048871 (call sub.memset_871 in radare2) and replace it with a call to 0x08048a63. Using the patched binary, we score our flag:

Result: FLAG:f51579e9ca38ba87d71539a9992887ff

Original writeup (https://github.com/ginjabenjamin/CTF/tree/master/BsidesSF/RE/Skipper).