Tags: crypto 

Rating: 3.0

**Diffie Hellman - Crypto - 225**

Enoncé :

Just find a and b

Note: Flag format will be YUBITSEC{a,b}

![Alt](img/crypto.jpg "crypto")

__Résolution :__

On a comme information sur l'image :

g^a mod q = 419
g^b mod q = 34
g^ab mod q = 33

a < 1000
b < 1000
Avec Sagemath on résout l'équation :


sage: for a in range(1000):
....: if int(pow(g,a)%q)==419:
....: print "trouver :"+str(a)
trouver :521

sage: for b in range(1000):
....: if int(pow(g,b)%q)==34:
....: print "trouver :"+str(b)
trouver :619

flag : YUBITSEC{521,619}

By team Beers4Flags

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Original writeup (https://github.com/Beers4Flags/writeups/tree/master/2017/yubitsec/crypto/diffie_hellman).