Rating: 1.0

This is an easy buffer overflow chall, and you're even given the give_shell function. Just overwrite RSP with the address of the give_shell function to get shell.

team843317@shellserver:~$ (cat run_circles_in.txt; echo 'cat /problems/running_in_circles/flag.txt') | /problems/running_in_circles/run_circles
Welcome to the circular buffer manager:

How many bytes? Enter your data:
How many bytes? Enter your data:
How many bytes? $ actf{you_dont_just_go_around_a_circle_once}
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

caesurusMay 3, 2017, 4:23 p.m.

Unfortunately you're not really providing enough detail. The "easy overflow" had a bit of a twist in that the buffer was circular and you couldn't just do a basic overflow. You also don't provide the contents of `run_circles_in.txt`, so there is nothing here for people to learn from. If you could share some more detail, that would be really great.