
## Codefest CTF 2017 - Digging Deeper - Steganography
### Problem

Jaime is digging Cersie's grave because he hates her, and he needs to go DEEEP.

Also, see whats up with this zip file.


### Solution

Unzipping returns a single text file flag.txt with restricted permissions

$ chmod +r flag.txt

The [text file](https://github.com/kipyegonmark/ctfs/blob/master/Codefest%20CTF%202017/flag.txt) is now readable and returns a hex string which gives the flag when converted to from hex to ascii.


FLAG: __flag{k33p_up_y0ur_zipp3r5}__

Original writeup (https://gospelofmark.ch/codefest-ctf-2017-digging-deeper-steganography.html).