Rating: 5.0

Tl;dr images are stored as BGRA (with pre-multiplied alpha) or BGR.
See [this post](http://telegra.ph/Riders-on-the-space--Juniors-CTF-game-modding-500-write-up-12-05) for details.
[Python packer.](https://pastebin.com/JSypHtAh)

Original writeup (http://telegra.ph/Riders-on-the-space--Juniors-CTF-game-modding-500-write-up-12-05).
DEIGHDDec. 7, 2017, 8:12 p.m.

Bundle - не пакет Defold'а. Я писал свой упаковщик и загрузчик, как расширение для Defold специально для задания, чтобы невозможно было найти готовый патчер :)

Bundle is not Defold paket. I wrote my packer and loader as an extension for Defold specifically for the task, so that it was impossible to find a patcher :)