
> 200
> Barnamak
> Run the application and capture the flag!
> [Download](https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/sharif2018/barnamak/Find_Flag.zip)

The Android application contains the hidden flag. We crack it open and reverse to Java with the following commands:

apktool d -s Find_Flag.apk
dex2jar classes.dex
java -jar cfr_0_113.jar --outputdir src classes_dex2jar.jar

There are a couple of interesting places in the source, all of them in ```com/challenge_android/fragments/ChallengeFragment.java```.

First, it looks like it is expecting the current latitude/longitude to be ```45/-93```:

public boolean b() {
Integer n = Integer.parseInt("2C", 16); // 44
Integer n2 = Integer.parseInt("5B", 16); //91
int n3 = 1 + n; // 45
int n4 = -2 + (- n2.intValue()); // -93
Location location = this.location;
boolean bl = false;
if (location == null) return bl;
if ((int)this.location.getLatitude() == n3 && (int)this.location.getLongitude() == n4) {

Second, the flag seems to be XORed with the current latitude value:

private static String iia(int[] arrn, String string2) {
String string3 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < arrn.length; ++i) {
string3 = string3 + (char)(-48 + arrn[i] ^ string2.charAt(i % (-1 + string2.length())));
return string3;
String string2 = ChallengeFragment.iia(new int[]{162, 136, 133, 131, 68, 141, 119, 68, 169, 160,
49, 68, 171, 130, 68, 168, 139, 138, 131, 112, 141, 113, 128, 129},

As a shortcut let's run the values in the array through the ```xortool```. One of the values that it produces is the following string:


So it seems that the flag is the MD5 of longitude, which we already know to be ```-93```:

$ echo -n -93 | md5sum
87a20a335768a82441478f655afd95fe -

The flag is ```SharifCTF{87a20a335768a82441478f655afd95fe}```.

Original writeup (https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/sharif2018/barnamak/).