Tags: network 


Network - DockerLeak - 50pts

Enoncé :

During the deployment of the challenges of the THC, an attacker was able to dump the network traffic.

Can you find the flag?

On commence avec un fichier dump.pcap Sources

Résolution :

Comme tout challenge à 50 points l'option la plus rapide est souvent la commande strings :

strings dump.pcap | grep -A1 -i THC{
#define FLAG "THC{d0c4ErSo(ke!m

Flag :


By team Beers4Flags

|        |
|  #BFF  |
  (      |   )
 .=] Beers ([
 | ])  4   ([
 '=]) Flags [
   |:: '    |
Original writeup (https://github.com/Beers4Flags/writeups/tree/master/2018/Thcon/Network/50).