Rating: 5.0

> Echo
> The simplest [echo](https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/asis2018/echo/echo.tar.xz) in the world.
> Note: flag{whatyoufound}, submit ASIS{sha1(whatyoufound)}

The executable requires a command line parameter:

$ ./Echo
Missing argument

Quick look inside reveals the needed argument. When it is specified the executable echoes back everything we enter:


Let's analyze the code more closely and debug. First, notice that an encoded flag blob is built in memory on the fly:

.text:000055A06C699DC2 mov [rbp+var_274A], 15h
.text:000055A06C699DC9 mov [rbp+var_2749], 0F3h
.text:000055A06C699DD0 mov [rbp+var_2748], 1
.text:000055A06C699DD7 mov [rbp+var_2747], 0EBh
.text:000055A06C699DDE mov [rbp+var_2746], 0CEh
.text:000055A06C699DE5 mov [rbp+var_2745], 0C5h
.text:000055A06C699DEC mov [rbp+var_2744], 0Dh
.text:000055A06C699DF3 mov [rbp+var_2743], 0C6h
.text:000055A06C699DFA mov [rbp+var_2742], 0C7h
.text:000055A06C699E01 mov [rbp+var_2741], 0C1h
.text:000055A06C699E08 mov [rbp+var_2740], 0CBh
.text:000055A06C699E0F mov [rbp+var_273F], 0F4h
.text:000055A06C699E16 mov [rbp+var_273E], 0D8h
.text:000055A06C699E1D mov [rbp+var_273D], 0C2h
.text:000055A06C699E24 mov [rbp+var_273C], 0DBh
.text:000055A06C699E2B mov [rbp+var_273B], 0F6h
.text:000055A06C699E32 mov [rbp+var_273A], 0C6h
.text:000055A06C699E39 mov [rbp+var_2739], 0BFh
.text:000055A06C699E40 mov [rbp+var_2738], 0FEh
.text:000055A06C699E47 mov [rbp+var_2737], 0FFh
.text:000055A06C699E4E mov [rbp+var_2736], 12h
.text:000055A06C699E55 mov [rbp+var_2735], 0Ch
.text:000055A06C699E5C mov [rbp+var_2734], 0EAh
.text:000055A06C699E63 mov [rbp+var_2733], 0F8h
.text:000055A06C699E6A mov [rbp+var_2732], 0F9h
.text:000055A06C699E71 mov [rbp+var_2731], 11h
.text:000055A06C699E78 mov [rbp+var_274E], 66h ; 'f'
.text:000055A06C699E7F mov [rbp+var_274D], 6Ch ; 'l'
.text:000055A06C699E86 mov [rbp+var_274C], 61h ; 'a'
.text:000055A06C699E8D mov [rbp+var_274B], 67h ; 'g'

00007FFDA51FDD10 00 00 66 6C 61 67 15 F3 01 EB CE C5 0D C6 C7 C1 ..flag..........
00007FFDA51FDD20 CB F4 D8 C2 DB F6 C6 BF FE FF 12 0C EA F8 F9 11 ......? ........

As the program runs, function ```sub_55AE72994970``` generates a sequence of characters that turns out to be [Brainf*ck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck) code. It is then executed by a simple embedded interpreter:


The last sequence in the script is what produces the echo behavior in a loop - ```[.,]```.

When the Brainf*ck code is executed one would expect the flag to be revealed but instead it's cleared out competely:

00007FFDA51FDD10 00 00 66 6C 61 67 7B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..flag{.........
00007FFDA51FDD20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

It turns out that the repeated sequence ```>[+]``` in the script clears the flag contents (it essentilly means ```"shift to the right and increment the value in a loop until you hit 0"```). Once we replace that sequence with ```>>>>``` and re-execute we can capture the true flag contents:

00 00 66 6C 61 67 7B 5F 62 52 34 31 6E 2D 2D 2D ..flag{_bR41n---
2C 5B 3E 2E 3C 5D 2C 2B 5F 66 78 78 4B 5F 5F 7D ,[>.<],+_fxxK__}

The final flag is the SHA1 of the string that we found: ```ASIS{7928cc0d0f66530a42d5d3a06f94bdc24f0492ff}```.

Original writeup (https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/asis2018/echo/).