Sat, 28 April 2018, 18:00 UTC — Mon, 30 April 2018, 18:00 UTC 


An ASIS CTF Quals event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 61.07 

Rating weight: 55.00 

Event organizers 

This is a Jeopardy-style CTF, and the problems are organized in categories like general security information (Trivia), web hacking, modern cryptography, exploit, forensics, reverse engineering, misc and etc.




734 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 TokyoWesterns 5861.000110.000
2 dcua 5755.00081.505
3 217 4464.00060.224
4 Sauercloud 4276.00053.876
5 0daysober 4221.00050.610
6 RPISEC 3336.00040.472
7 Balsn 3021.00036.206
8 greunion 2521.00030.532
9 Just Hit the Core 2358.00028.239
10 VoidHack 2334.00027.402
11 Whitzard 2205.00025.692
12 swag 2056.00023.877
13 STT 1965.00022.670
14 BambooFox 1911.00021.862
15 Epic Leet Team 1887.00021.374
16 AshuuLee 1881.00021.089
17 No Pwn Intended 1876.00020.840
18 The Northern Coalition 1802.00019.966
19 bi0s 1700.00018.848
20 scryptos 1600.00017.765
21 zbvs 1527.00016.949
22 TheRomanXpl0it 1512.00016.689
23 Dragon Sector 1491.00016.383
24 xSTF 1470.00016.086
25 avic11 1414.00015.469
26 undefined 1386.00015.122
27 badfirmware 1359.00014.790
28 HNN4ABO 1291.00014.079
29 ID-10-T 1232.00013.458
30 PwnDa 1214.00013.226
31 OpenToAll 1203.00013.063
32 perfect blue 1153.00012.539
33 T0X1C V4P0R 1132.00012.289
34 Pwnium 1121.00012.137
35 0x90r00t 1063.00011.547
36 NaruseJun 1058.00011.456
37 KerKerYuan 1040.00011.246
38 irGeeks 1020.00011.019
39 Vidar-Team 1003.00010.822
40 upbhack 991.00010.675
41 LC↯BC 976.00010.500
42 justCatTheFish 942.00010.149
43 Pandemic 916.0009.875
44 technic 898.0009.677
45 DoubleSigma 878.0009.461
46 Harekaze 877.0009.425
47 p4 869.0009.325
48 CyKOR 805.0008.700
49 WreckTheLine 775.0008.395
50 LeaveCat 763.0008.260
51 r00t 762.0008.229
52 securisec 719.0007.805
53 FireShell 684.0007.456
54 Shellphish 679.0007.390
55 justdoit 677.0007.353
56 KoolegTeam 627.0006.866
57 NYUSEC 588.0006.483
58 m1z0r3 585.0006.438
59 yas 555.0006.140
60 T1pst4r 548.0006.059
61 Limpopo 547.0006.035
62 g33z 546.0006.011
63 noraneco 541.0005.950
64 CatPawn 541.0005.936
65 null2root 537.0005.885
66 yosuganosora 515.0005.666
67 0xD13A 506.0005.569
68 Bushwhackers 502.0005.520
69 PKTeam 499.0005.480
70 Made In MIM 486.0005.346
71 AsssassiNOPs 483.0005.307
72 0e85dc6eaf 471.0005.184
73 Inshall'hack 471.0005.173
74 SYPER 462.0005.079
75 VXRL 462.0005.069
76 TheGoonies 451.0004.956
77 LSE 447.0004.909
78 the cr0wn 431.0004.750
79 IamSoFat 427.0004.703
80 saarsec 423.0004.657
81 TenDollar 414.0004.564
82 termcap 392.0004.349
83 MonSec 381.0004.238
84 kasiatutej 373.0004.155
85 WeAreScientists 369.0004.110
86 asshorse 368.0004.093
87 nullbytecon 354.0003.954
88 PPAP_Dance 349.0003.900
89 InSecurity 345.0003.855
90 TechLab 334.0003.745
91 LosFuzzys 330.0003.701
92 Hacknam Style 324.0003.638
93 EternityTeam 320.0003.594
94 i_asked_jeeves 318.0003.569
95 sec0d 317.0003.554
96 SecurityFactorial 313.0003.510
97 Beers4Flags 305.0003.429
98 RF 300.0003.376
99 UCCU 296.0003.333
100 Tower of Hanoi 290.0003.271
101 AceBear 289.0003.257
102 Shadow Servants 278.0003.148
103 WeBareBears 269.0003.058
104 Corrupted Lights 267.0003.034
105 PwnaSonic 265.0003.011
106 sad2 258.0002.940
107 bolgia4 257.0002.926
108 katamon 257.0002.921
109 RedRocket 251.0002.860
110 hyde4 243.0002.780
111 HTCPCP 231.0002.663
112 0x00C0FFEE 222.0002.574
113 PDKT 219.0002.542
114 Guest9282322 219.0002.538
115 rawsec 216.0002.505
116 Honeypot 213.0002.473
117 morganFr33man 208.0002.422
118 slashd 205.0002.390
119 Ratatouille 204.0002.377
120 killswitch 201.0002.345
121 $ℂ$ 199.0002.322
122 FresherMan 199.0002.318
123 Delusions of Grandeur 198.0002.305
124 RSK 198.0002.302
125 TeamCC 198.0002.298
126 12345 196.0002.276
127 AUTHority 184.0002.160
128 noar 182.0002.138
129 SoLY 171.0002.031
130 x0r19x91 170.0002.018
131 Rejected 167.0001.987
132 secsi 163.0001.946
133 Dame_tu_cosita 155.0001.868
134 MugiCo 155.0001.865
135 NetSOS 155.0001.862
136 cgu 155.0001.859
137 YoungPwnawans 149.0001.800
138 crayontheft 149.0001.797
139 c2w2m2 147.0001.775
140 Akatsuki 147.0001.772
141 Bono_iPad 142.0001.723
142 NemotoPhotonics 140.0001.701
143 $criptKiddies 140.0001.698
144 HomeAlone 140.0001.696
145 saraguru50 140.0001.693
146 winninglikewebster 140.0001.690
147 Steampunkers 140.0001.688
148 IamIn 140.0001.685
149 coolNULL 140.0001.683
150 netsky 139.0001.671
151 SavageSeagull 139.0001.669
152 onotch 139.0001.666
153 Shadow Cats 139.0001.664
154 QQQQQQ 139.0001.662
155 TimberOwls 134.0001.612
156 SIGINT 134.0001.610
157 PwnAndPussy 134.0001.608
158 toolate 134.0001.606
159 The_Were_Cicadas 134.0001.603
160 csrforgery 134.0001.601
161 Itemize 134.0001.599
162 injustice_brigade 134.0001.597
163 Lerdsuwa 134.0001.595
164 tkmk 134.0001.593
165 Drunkenshellz 134.0001.591
166 BTeam 131.0001.561
167 KimTruth 128.0001.531
168 dopebeats 128.0001.529
169 encoder 123.0001.480
170 SnowSeal 123.0001.478
171 CyberCholos 117.0001.420
172 pnukk12 117.0001.418
173 C0nsTant 117.0001.416
174 0?#3XK 113.0001.376
175 MGH 113.0001.375
176 0x4D4D41 113.0001.373
177 bada 112.0001.362
178 SejongSecurityGroup 110.0001.341
179 se0g1 110.0001.340
180 asdasd 110.0001.338
181 CisegTeam 108.0001.317
182 KTHCTF0x1 108.0001.316
183 stankc 108.0001.314
184 Ctrl_X 108.0001.312
185 CTD Elite 107.0001.301
186 BootCampNSA 107.0001.300
187 SecDaemons 107.0001.298
188 PWNw/oCD 107.0001.297
189 Fujisawa 107.0001.295
190 HackingForSoju 107.0001.294
191 ZenHack 102.0001.245
192 csiescom 102.0001.244
193 Choiys 96.0001.186
194 Mayas 96.0001.184
195 do9dark 96.0001.183
196 tinyBoxer 83.0001.059
197 zx81 83.0001.058
198 PersianCats 83.0001.057
199 Algoritmi 83.0001.055
200 W1ld60yz 83.0001.054
201 Toast_Inc 81.0001.034
202 L3Ak_R00t 81.0001.032
203 vanhelsing 81.0001.031
204 fr0stbrain 81.0001.030
205 azertyuiop 80.0001.019
206 Ox002147 80.0001.018
207 LuftensHjaltar 80.0001.016
208 GUDUBET 75.0000.968
209 P_TE 75.0000.967
210 IndianTuesday 75.0000.966
211 m1st 75.0000.964
212 Ascope 75.0000.963
213 PaniqueAuVillage 75.0000.962
214 mochigoma 75.0000.961
215 hackhouseagogo 75.0000.960
216 blockchain878787 75.0000.958
217 WeaponisedSarcasm 75.0000.957
218 SilaLunnoyPrismy 75.0000.956
219 HacKazaar 75.0000.955
220 Clown_fiesta 75.0000.954
221 nugxperience 75.0000.953
222 IGRUS 75.0000.952
223 NIS 75.0000.950
224 7actica1panda 75.0000.949
225 fdfde 75.0000.948
226 pandasys 75.0000.947
227 0x5C71873F 75.0000.946
228 HackXore 75.0000.945
229 mau5 75.0000.944
230 pseud0 75.0000.943
231 CDB 75.0000.942
232 _ 75.0000.941
233 wwwlk 75.0000.940
234 new_noobs 75.0000.939
235 yukimizakura 75.0000.938
236 DeceptionSpellTelephone 75.0000.937
237 Invulnerable 75.0000.936
238 Code_Black 75.0000.935
239 r3d_r4bb1t 75.0000.934
240 24PetitLapin 75.0000.933
241 PLUS 75.0000.932
242 Bitfork 75.0000.931
243 SH 75.0000.930
244 Laozishehui 75.0000.929
245 projectd 75.0000.928
246 Lambooy 75.0000.927
247 kusootaku 75.0000.926
248 fumi1ka 75.0000.926
249 totof 67.0000.850
250 1stScout 64.0000.821
251 h4stoor 48.0000.670
252 frkntrn 48.0000.669
253 OnsenF 48.0000.668
254 kk28 48.0000.667
255 Jesse_N_Friends 48.0000.666
256 Exponential 48.0000.665
257 Migdalo 48.0000.664
258 vermouth 48.0000.664
259 Sasuke 48.0000.663
260 gorogoroumaru 48.0000.662
261 None 48.0000.661
262 Debugmen 48.0000.660
263 love_cc 48.0000.660
264 SafeXackers 48.0000.659
265 err0r4o4 48.0000.658
266 dodododo 48.0000.657
267 LamSon 48.0000.656
268 Hodor 48.0000.656
269 5ph1nX 48.0000.655
270 KosBeg 43.0000.607
271 machineroom 43.0000.606
272 Spiderz 43.0000.606
273 QTH 43.0000.605
274 HIMAPETOT 43.0000.604
275 Nullz 43.0000.604
276 h0ax 43.0000.603
277 Theydontwantus2win 43.0000.602
278 Xnonce 43.0000.601
279 Jolly Roger Insecurity 43.0000.601
280 CYBERN00Bs 43.0000.600
281 asdtt 43.0000.599
282 BlazingBM 43.0000.599
283 Topdeck 43.0000.598
284 fsociety 43.0000.597
286 ShadowWarriors 43.0000.596
287 EGPh4nt0ms 43.0000.595
288 Nameless 43.0000.594
289 visionblvck 43.0000.594
290 BagelFactory 43.0000.593
291 b0tch_sec 43.0000.593
292 rook1e_solo 43.0000.592
293 EthicsCommittee 43.0000.591
294 Hacker Ameer 43.0000.591
295 soo 43.0000.590
296 interlude 43.0000.589
297 TheMoses 43.0000.589
298 Cheddar_Horsemen 43.0000.588
299 shinobiStyle 43.0000.587
300 tsuiji 43.0000.587
301 ggman 43.0000.586
302 Bunrise_Suckets 43.0000.586
303 testteam 43.0000.585
304 EZ 43.0000.584
305 omoikane 43.0000.584
306 ryuuu 43.0000.583
307 TeamHM 43.0000.583
308 irukaken 43.0000.582
309 Los_Exploiters 43.0000.582
310 TOpS 43.0000.581
311 6l0ry 43.0000.580
312 Ripping 43.0000.580
313 beerpwn 43.0000.579
314 daruma 43.0000.579
315 ywutm8 43.0000.578
316 MhackGyver 43.0000.578
317 0xH3R0S 43.0000.577
318 Nxe 43.0000.576
319 Rice 43.0000.576
320 jsutset 43.0000.575
321 PoSec 43.0000.575
322 bouh 43.0000.574
323 VirtusDev 43.0000.574
324 gruf 43.0000.573
325 tgd 43.0000.573
326 ggyu 43.0000.572
327 hikingBears02 43.0000.572
328 R1_0 43.0000.571
329 _______________ 43.0000.571
330 dex 43.0000.570
331 clong13 43.0000.570
332 Shad0wCap 43.0000.569
333 team0315 43.0000.569
334 hikingBears 43.0000.568
335 Serialsports 43.0000.568
336 IHP&C 43.0000.567
337 RubbishGod 32.0000.463
338 dqi 32.0000.463
339 SkyBlue 27.0000.416
340 FrozenZero 27.0000.415
341 kad96 27.0000.415
342 SAnjiHolic 27.0000.414
343 WhiteCat 27.0000.414
344 nifl 16.0000.310
345 Kein_Witz 16.0000.310
346 HACKDEERS 16.0000.309
347 SL4V3S 16.0000.309
348 Fl4663r5 16.0000.308
349 Commando 16.0000.308
350 민준이는멍멍 16.0000.307
351 asdasg123 16.0000.307
352 smoorke 16.0000.306
353 IAM 16.0000.306
354 polarized 16.0000.306
355 pwndevils 16.0000.305
356 TodgeTangos 16.0000.305
357 SpySheriff 16.0000.304
358 flamezzz 16.0000.304
359 HACKONA 16.0000.303
360 W0rms_x3 16.0000.303
361 hacker321 16.0000.302
362 wild_amazon 16.0000.302
363 CultOfTheDeadCarrot 16.0000.302
364 kilink 16.0000.301
365 Wunderleth_01 16.0000.301
366 Sissi 16.0000.300
367 ENUSEC 16.0000.300
368 pink_thermocol 16.0000.300
369 sreegs 16.0000.299
370 digiguru 16.0000.299
371 Quackster 16.0000.298
372 UNIFOX 16.0000.298
373 jackdaw 16.0000.298
374 H_Y 16.0000.297
375 Grayscale 16.0000.297
376 M4cr0s 16.0000.296
377 stavhaygn 16.0000.296
378 Zer0Day 16.0000.296
379 ajdlkajsldkjalksjd 16.0000.295
380 dhunter 16.0000.295
381 XDaftDuo 16.0000.295
382 0xd 16.0000.294
383 NASA_Rejects2 16.0000.294
384 zippy 16.0000.293
385 TWSS 16.0000.293
386 IncoGnito 16.0000.293
387 NNSC 16.0000.292
388 newbies101 16.0000.292
389 cloverrabbit 16.0000.292
390 zodiac 16.0000.291
391 UndefinedTeam 16.0000.291
392 White_Sparrow 16.0000.290
393 KeyHunters 16.0000.290
394 pali 16.0000.290
395 1pwnch 16.0000.289
396 Literally_Defending 16.0000.289
397 CCB 16.0000.289
398 KXTI_SECURITY 16.0000.288
399 Bluefox 16.0000.288
400 team_harambe 16.0000.288
401 CSI 16.0000.287
402 Team Abakus 16.0000.287
403 GET27 16.0000.287
404 k 16.0000.286
405 Abba 16.0000.286
406 HexRabbit 16.0000.286
407 Stack 16.0000.285
408 grudolp2 16.0000.285
409 fjellape 16.0000.285
410 xbytemx 16.0000.284
411 MentaPenta 16.0000.284
412 kdevil 16.0000.284
413 Horde 16.0000.283
415 scr4pp3r 16.0000.283
416 starPt 16.0000.282
417 Br3nd4nz_b015 16.0000.282
418 cowgoesμμμ 16.0000.282
419 31i73_73aM 16.0000.281
420 noobiew 16.0000.281
421 ctffuntikteam 16.0000.281
422 pL4NT 16.0000.280
423 SpyVsCat5 16.0000.280
424 FlagOverFlow 16.0000.280
425 Esecurity_IR 16.0000.280
426 425 16.0000.279
427 Army 16.0000.279
428 maudrey 16.0000.279
429 Iam9r00t 16.0000.278
430 Enigma 16.0000.278
431 Colonel0x20 16.0000.278
432 Wreckin_Crew 16.0000.277
433 NSA_n00bs 16.0000.277
434 EPAD 16.0000.277
435 IND 16.0000.277
436 KXTI_77 16.0000.276
437 o5pf 16.0000.276
438 R3dSt0rm 16.0000.276
439 um 16.0000.275
440 dredd589 16.0000.275
441 BluntForceTrauma 16.0000.275
442 n0n3 16.0000.275
443 Hash Slinging Hackers 16.0000.274
444 hook 16.0000.274
445 KXTI2662 16.0000.274
446 T35H 16.0000.273
447 OpenYourEyes 16.0000.273
448 f4kt0r 16.0000.273
449 freeagentcrm 16.0000.273
450 0x0 16.0000.272
451 me9h4 16.0000.272
452 noTeamName 16.0000.272
453 XOROR 16.0000.272
454 noobiesolo 16.0000.271
455 TheSheriff 16.0000.271
457 M57 16.0000.270
458 Squeeze_Theorem 16.0000.270
459 morelulz 16.0000.270
460 bom 16.0000.270
461 smshrimant 16.0000.269
462 NCC1701D 16.0000.269
463 mnsec 16.0000.269
464 itachilord 16.0000.269
465 samaneh 16.0000.268
466 Mathbro 16.0000.268
467 4bilith 16.0000.268
468 exitzero 16.0000.268
469 speeeday 16.0000.267
470 Comic_Sans_Dream_Team 16.0000.267
471 Bajtek 16.0000.267
472 le0li9ht 16.0000.267
473 swt05045 16.0000.266
474 UFMB 16.0000.266
475 Kouketers 16.0000.266
476 petitebyte 16.0000.266
477 KXTI_ib 16.0000.265
478 arsenull 16.0000.265
479 TeamChantier 16.0000.265
480 polandball 16.0000.265
481 Soul 16.0000.264
482 pwnWiz 16.0000.264
483 esc 16.0000.264
484 Procaffeinators 16.0000.264
485 owo 16.0000.264
486 Martin005 16.0000.263
487 Noob 16.0000.263
488 vimvaders 16.0000.263
489 infini 16.0000.263
490 WaffleSec 16.0000.262
491 flagbot 16.0000.262
492 DISC 16.0000.262
493 Cyber_Archangels 16.0000.262
494 PeterJson 16.0000.261
495 SecLab 16.0000.261
496 jacksdogz 16.0000.261
497 JamLive 16.0000.261
498 Aithea 16.0000.261
499 GreatEscapo 16.0000.260
500 zeroAptitude 16.0000.260
501 omdn 16.0000.260
502 jianghuxia 16.0000.260
503 rise5 16.0000.259
504 hAIXer 16.0000.259
505 frenchtoast 16.0000.259
506 Srpteam 16.0000.259
507 SEK 16.0000.259
508 0p3r4t0r 16.0000.258
509 NoHat 16.0000.258
510 hexbecca 16.0000.258
511 Goldensun 16.0000.258
512 lyceum 16.0000.258
513 iJustTry 16.0000.257
514 faocry 16.0000.257
515 blueship 16.0000.257
516 UL00 16.0000.257
517 tawaba 16.0000.257
518 syferlux 16.0000.256
519 0x4b455 16.0000.256
520 402r3qu3st 16.0000.256
521 Bopoznpvt 16.0000.256
522 hohuhong 16.0000.256
523 Burlingpwn 16.0000.255
524 havkroot 16.0000.255
525 NISRA 16.0000.255
526 DMA 16.0000.255
527 LEI 16.0000.255
528 kubo 16.0000.254
529 TEAMLOGCON 16.0000.254
530 ex3x 16.0000.254
531 das132 16.0000.254
532 vicio 16.0000.254
533 The HIT Squad 16.0000.253
534 mpz 16.0000.253
535 quipqiup 16.0000.253
536 0v3n_Sh3ll 16.0000.253
537 random 16.0000.253
538 nux99 16.0000.252
539 JanKenPon 16.0000.252
540 MK 16.0000.252
541 tracerteectf 16.0000.252
542 10MinuteMail 16.0000.252
543 Callsa 16.0000.251
544 dummy_team 16.0000.251
545 PrimeTime 16.0000.251
546 szfck 16.0000.251
547 botti 16.0000.251
548 kisshood 16.0000.251
549 Newbie_aaa 16.0000.250
550 c50 16.0000.250
551 qazwsx 16.0000.250
552 whitesquare 16.0000.250
553 raicoi 16.0000.250
554 2nd_Challenge 16.0000.249
555 mmkk22 16.0000.249
556 0xAQUA 16.0000.249
557 DiGIMON 16.0000.249
558 XiaoXiaoHu 16.0000.249
559 nic0 16.0000.249
560 brodo 16.0000.248
561 whoseyourdaddy 16.0000.248
562 paperwhale 16.0000.248
563 10G 16.0000.248
564 CityZero 16.0000.248
565 SelMut 16.0000.247
566 zst123 16.0000.247
567 Lunarantic 16.0000.247
568 ionue123 16.0000.247
569 qiwrejojqre091i9 16.0000.247
570 cby234 16.0000.247
571 R4ND0M 16.0000.246
572 Samos 16.0000.246
573 EyesEmoji 16.0000.246
574 DragonWarri0r 16.0000.246
575 Jaguars_Hehe 16.0000.246
576 newbie 16.0000.246
577 poepoe 16.0000.245
578 bahubali 16.0000.245
579 MMM 16.0000.245
580 die 16.0000.245
581 WinnerWinnerChickenDinner 16.0000.245
582 retr0w4ve 16.0000.245
583 zepsul 16.0000.244
584 Xinexis 16.0000.244
585 fl45h 16.0000.244
586 06547yt 16.0000.244
587 piraterappers 16.0000.244
588 dr3am3r 16.0000.244
589 south 16.0000.244
590 Wunderleth 16.0000.243
591 Vanguard 16.0000.243
592 b4nt3r 16.0000.243
593 SNP 16.0000.243
594 NullNot 16.0000.243
595 1053r5 16.0000.243
596 Master_IronBar 16.0000.242
597 m0th 16.0000.242
598 plit00 16.0000.242
599 keva 16.0000.242
600 Z3r0_code 16.0000.242
601 Glider Swirley 16.0000.242
602 theuser 16.0000.242
603 Dragon Hat 16.0000.241
604 월드콘먹고싶다 16.0000.241
605 h4x0r 16.0000.241
606 NotAGayClub 16.0000.241
607 Taipan 16.0000.241
608 fantasticbeasts 16.0000.241
609 qqq 16.0000.240
610 Sud0 16.0000.240
611 k3rn3l_p4n1c 16.0000.240
612 J0ck3r5 16.0000.240
613 ParnaieChestie335 16.0000.240
614 C3rus 16.0000.240
615 korsasupreme 16.0000.240
616 fkillrra 16.0000.239
617 AuRevoir 16.0000.239
618 Lilac 16.0000.239
619 BMLMAO 16.0000.239
620 MSTUCA 16.0000.239
621 wr47h 16.0000.239
622 MetaMelange 16.0000.239
623 Nativ3 16.0000.238
624 0xeax 16.0000.238
625 LonelyFish 16.0000.238
626 monsecsucks 16.0000.238
627 Pwn Leak 16.0000.238
628 DU_MA 16.0000.238
629 Rev1r 16.0000.238
630 blizze 16.0000.237
631 5vc0d3 16.0000.237
632 foo_bar 16.0000.237
633 Aurora 16.0000.237
634 braboys 16.0000.237
635 MNTTT 16.0000.237
636 ju256 16.0000.237
637 Chunky_Bum_Tomatoes 16.0000.236
638 nana4 16.0000.236
639 tembel 16.0000.236
640 _________________ 16.0000.236
641 Dokko 16.0000.236
642 PoE 16.0000.236
643 flurbos 16.0000.236
644 ECX Inc. 16.0000.236
645 BlackMass 16.0000.235
646 ISITDTU 16.0000.235
647 ODAA 16.0000.235
648 UUTStarters 16.0000.235
649 k1lr0y 16.0000.235
650 Mine 16.0000.235
651 ch3ny4n6 16.0000.235
652 OPT 16.0000.235
653 justforfun 16.0000.234
654 NoneType 16.0000.234
655 co5m0s 16.0000.234
656 PickIes 16.0000.234
657 TeamVolk 16.0000.234
658 mecanicos 16.0000.234
659 redbolt 16.0000.234
660 monadaUY 16.0000.233
661 Rocobo 16.0000.233
662 badc0fee 16.0000.233
663 soft_decay 16.0000.233
664 Zegeg 16.0000.233
665 Timelords 16.0000.233
666 bHadbHarbie 16.0000.233
667 meme 16.0000.233
668 TenkoChabashira 16.0000.232
669 Vortex 16.0000.232
670 gary 16.0000.232
671 k0zak 16.0000.232
672 EpicTeam 16.0000.232
673 WeCool 16.0000.232
674 majorbuffo 16.0000.232
675 1q2w3e1q2w3e 16.0000.232
676 Towards3ternity 16.0000.232
677 uwu_niggy 16.0000.231
678 L0N3_1 16.0000.231
679 Thega 16.0000.231
680 Ist0 16.0000.231
681 takisystema 16.0000.231
682 KM_TM 16.0000.231
683 QB 16.0000.231
684 Once_upon_a_shell 16.0000.231
685 Batman's Kitchen 16.0000.230
686 lololol 16.0000.230
687 pangho 16.0000.230
688 HKGOV 16.0000.230
689 solochina 16.0000.230
690 glucose 16.0000.230
691 Tenesys 16.0000.230
692 underhill 16.0000.230
693 Justin_Chen 16.0000.230
694 SpyDer 16.0000.229
695 thumb 16.0000.229
696 kiiro 16.0000.229
697 alanlei 16.0000.229
698 nganu 16.0000.229
699 SecurityFirst_MaruPLAY 16.0000.229
700 noa 16.0000.229
701 FirstTree 16.0000.229
702 Gladiator 16.0000.228
703 Bulldozer 16.0000.228
704 Nonamed 16.0000.228
705 ScriptBaby 16.0000.228
706 HeXA 16.0000.228
707 Thomas 16.0000.228
708 Tello 16.0000.228
709 plagu3 16.0000.228
710 dffsdf 16.0000.228
711 Register 16.0000.228
712 mocking_jay 16.0000.227
713 d4rkc0de 16.0000.227
714 0x512EE 16.0000.227
715 tr0y 16.0000.227
716 abcde 16.0000.227
717 vm00s3 16.0000.227
718 B4B1 16.0000.227
719 SuD0_0 16.0000.227
720 CyberHawks 16.0000.227
721 Kakuden 16.0000.226
722 TheAvenger 16.0000.226
723 kamja 16.0000.226
724 NETON 16.0000.226
725 ctftester 16.0000.226
726 burritos 16.0000.226
727 DC21321 16.0000.226
728 N3BUL4 16.0000.226
729 TimeOops 16.0000.226
730 Society_Of_Entropy 16.0000.225
731 Nyrox 16.0000.225
732 Badger 16.0000.225
733 PeeShang 16.0000.225
734 bee 16.0000.113
735 ESCUDO 16.0000.112
736 Lancet 16.0000.112
norajMarch 5, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

BEFORE PLAYING read this :

Companion to HPSR Threat Intelligence Podcast Episode 11
Threat Intelligence Briefing
Episode 11, February 2014 by HP Security Research

This will explain you how AEOI CTF was renamed into ASIS CTF is sponsorized by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Sharif University, how this CTF is a honeypot for Iran’s cyber army and a training for Iranian young hackers.

norajMarch 5, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

French people can also read this "Original; le CTF de la centrifugeuse."

PharisaeusApril 4, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

@noraj and even if it is, then what about it? You think it's any different with events organized in China, Russia or US? It's just an online game, nothing more. I can't see why anyone would refrain from playing.
Also we've met ASIS team on some finals, and they're really nice people :)

norajApril 26, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

@Pharisaeus: I didn't say "don't play", I just said "read this" so that you know what you are doing. That's all ^^

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