EventTaskTagsAuthor teamAction
corCTF 2024 trojan-turtles kernel paging pwn hypervisor kvm Crusaders of Rust Read
corCTF 2024 its-just-a-dos-bug-bro pwn micro-architecture entrybleed sidechannel prefetch kernel spectre Crusaders of Rust Read
HITCON CTF 2024 Quals Seccomp Hell seccomp ldt userland kernel sandbox pwn WE_0WN_Y0U Read
bi0sCTF 2024 palindromatic kernel pwn bi0s Read
SECCON CTF 2023 Quals kmemo pwn kernel More Smoked Leet Chicken Read
CCCamp 2023 Secure Storage Driver ring0 windows kernel pwn cr3.mov Read
CakeCTF 2022 welkerme kernel pwn InfoSecIITR Read
corCTF 2022 CoRJail docker-escape pwn kernel linux D3v17 Read
corCTF 2022 Cache of Castaways cross-cache kernel pwn Crusaders of Rust Read
zer0pts CTF 2022 kRCE kernel pwn Crusaders of Rust Read
UTCTF 2022 Bloat kernel pwn Armitage Read
D^3CTF 2022 d3bpf-v2 pwn kernel bpf Vidar Read
D^3CTF 2022 d3bpf pwn kernel bpf Vidar Read
pbctf 2021 Nightclub kernel pwn heap DiceGang Read
CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021 krypto kernel pwn Crusaders of Rust Read
corCTF 2021 Wall of Perdition linux kernel pwn D3v17 Read
corCTF 2021 Fire of Salvation linux kernel pwn Crusaders of Rust Read
BSides Noida CTF K-HOP linux kernel pwn ker Read
Circle City Con CTF 2021 sockcamp seccomp kernel pwn ARESx Read
3kCTF-2021 klibrary kernel userfaultfd pwn heap meowmeowxw Read
HeroCTF v3 Kernel Module #1 kernel linux ctr1_XD Read
Midnight Sun CTF 2021 Quals brohammer kernel pwn Crusaders of Rust Read
WhiteHat Grand Prix 06 - Final Round Pwnable01 use-after-free kernel linux race-condition ntrung03 Read
pbctf 2020 Pwnception emulator kernel pwn Super Guesser Read
CUCTF 2020 hotrod uaf kernel race heap D3v17 Read
CUCTF 2020 hotrod heap race pwn kernel willsroot Read
UIUCTF 2020 Whats_A_Syscall? kernel [sqrt (-1) + 1] Read
UIUCTF 2020 Kernel::Time_To_Start kernel 4dumbsters Read
CCTF 2020 Ford CPU - Flag Device hardware timing-attack kernel verilog risc-v risc pwn Maple Bacon Read
CCTF 2020 Ford CPU - DMA hardware kernel verilog risc-v risc pwn Maple Bacon Read