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Trend Micro CTF - Raimund Genes Cup is a capture the flag competition hosted by Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity with a mission to make the world safe for exchanging digital information.

CTF events

Trend Micro CTF 2021 - Raimund Genes Cup - Virtual Final25.00
Trend Micro CTF 2021 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier10.33
Trend Micro CTF 2020 - Raimund Genes Cup - Virtual Finals45.00
Trend Micro CTF 2020 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier22.60
Trend Micro CTF 2019 - Raimund Genes Cup - The Final30.00
Trend Micro CTF 2019 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier9.00
Trend Micro CTF 2018 - Raimund Genes Cup - The Final20.00
Trend Micro CTF 2018 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier16.92
Trend Micro CTF 2017 - Raimund Genes Cup - The Final16.67
Trend Micro CTF 2017 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier21.00
Trend Micro CTF 2016 The Final16.67
Trend Micro CTF 2016 Online Qualifier21.00
Trend Micro CTF Asia Pacific & Japan 2015 Final30.00
Trend Micro CTF Asia Pacific & Japan 2015 Online Qualifier20.00
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