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CTF Internacional MetaRed 2023

- Academic
- 7 stages Jeopardy CTF Championship
- Awards ceremony / Ceremonia de premiación: to be schedulled.
- The registration pages will be created for each stage

== Generic Information ==
CTF Internacional MetaRed 2023

- Academic
- 7 stages Jeopardy CTF Championship
- Awards ceremony / Ceremonia de premiación: to be schedulled.
- The registration pages will be created for each stage

== Generic Information ==
MetaRed, through its Cyber security Groups: MetaRed Argentina, MetaRed Ecuador, CRUE Digitalización, MetaRed Mexico, MetaRed Portugal, MetaRed Perú, MetaRed Centroamérica y Caribe, Red CEDIA and Anuies-TIC has organised a CTF (Capture the Flag) competition as part of its activities in celebration of Cyber security Month 2023.

After the warm reception it enjoyed, the CTF organised by MetaRed in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 CTF MetaRed International has seen the addition of new stages, seven to be precise. Following the success of the CTF organised by MetaRed in 2020, 2021 and 2022, the MetaRed International CTF 2023 is adding new stages, 7 to be precise. Participation is open to anyone, but only participants belonging to Ibero-American Higher Education Institutions (HEI) MetaRed TIC, who must prove in their registration that they belong to a HEI, by means of an institutional email, will obtain a financial prize.

CTF events

Metared Argentina CERTUNLP25.00
CTF MetaRed Mexico Anuies-TIC 20240.00
7th Stage MetaRed TIC Portugal 20236.67
CTF Internacional MetaRed 2023 - 6th STAGE6.67
5th stage MetaRed CTF Ecuador 20236.67
3st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina|CERTUNLP 20236.67
3st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina|CERTUNLP 20236.67
6th stage MetaRed CTF Centroamérica y Caribe 202223.58
5th stage MetaRed CTF Ecuador|Cedia 202223.58
4th stage MetaRed CTF Perú 202223.58
3rd stage MetaRed CTF Mexico|Anuies-TIC 202223.58
2nd stage MetaRed CTF Portugal 202223.58
1st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina 2022 (10:00 GMT-3)23.58
CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE0.00
MetaRed International CTF 2021 - 4th STAGE0.00
CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 3rd STAGE0.00
2ª etapa CTF de MetaRed México|Anuies-TIC0.00
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC23.58
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