Tue, 21 Nov. 2023, 15:00 UTC — Wed, 22 Nov. 2023, 14:59 UTC 


CTF Internacional MetaRed event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL: https://eventos.metared.org/101614/detail/ctf-internacional-metared-2023-5th-stage.html

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 6.67 

Event organizers 

With the support of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Escuela Superior Técnica del Litoral (ESPOL), MetaRed TIC Ecuador is responsible for organizing this, the 5th stage of the MetaRed International CTF 2023.

Participation is open to anyone, but only participants belonging to a MetaRed TIC Higher Education Institution (HEI) will receive a financial prize. Participants must prove in their registration that they belong to a HEI, by means of an institutional email.

All information concerning 5th stage of the CTF may be obtained through the different web tabs.

General information concerning the 2023 International MetaRed CTF: http://eventos.metared.org/go/CTFMetaRedTIC2023


* The Cash value of the prizes reflected as follows shall take the form of gift tokens for online shops in the countries of the respective winning teams.

There will be only one category: MetaRed TIC Global Universities Competition.


(It is a requirement to belong to a university forming part of the MetaRed network)

A prize for the best competing team (accumulation of all stages)
1 (one) prize to the value of 1.000 U$D
A prize for the best team from each country with the highest accumulated score for all the stages
10 (ten) prizes each to the value of 600 U$D
One prize per stage for the best team of the stage
6 (six) prizes each to the value of 300 U$D

One prize per country awarded to the university of the winning team
10 (ten) prizes: Diploma and interview in the International MetaRed magazine

Prizes are accumulative for MetaRed teams.

Prizes are awarded to the leader of the team.


168 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Bat-family 4605.0000.000
2 UNL Exception 4227.0000.000
3 B1@cK_R0$0t 4151.0000.000
4 HackNch!ll 4110.0000.000
5 CSU_Porton_es_un_elissir 3795.0000.000
6 RumbleInTheJungle 3606.0000.000
7 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 3345.0000.000
8 Saudi 3231.0000.000
9 JustDoCtf 2930.0000.000
10 Checkm4te_ 2900.0000.000
11 C7r1_A1t_D3F3at 2858.0000.000
12 Ksa 2857.0000.000
13 HawksUV 2783.0000.000
14 chappman 2714.0000.000
15 The Knights Of Security 2433.0000.000
16 CipherCrew 2433.0000.000
17 Bussmar 2400.0000.000
18 CyberSpace 2277.0000.000
19 TeamC31 2258.0000.000
20 QBata 2183.0000.000
21 GCTF_Guardia_Team_3 2005.0000.000
22 C0n3ct@20uci 1957.0000.000
23 Sup3rNapst3r 1940.0000.000
24 GCTF_Guardia_Team_4 1865.0000.000
25 MH CORP 1810.0000.000
26 WildHacks 1718.0000.000
27 Red_Raven 1543.0000.000
28 T1 Security 1542.0000.000
29 PigH@ck3rs 1528.0000.000
30 Seraphiem 1487.0000.000
31 Lynx_Gh0575cR1pt$ 1487.0000.000
32 tteam 1341.0000.000
33 Cyb3rCl4w 1337.0000.000
34 PEEOHSEE 1323.0000.000
35 alo123 1199.0000.000
36 UC13NC1A23 1193.0000.000
37 Cipher Blitz 1186.0000.000
38 Elite.sa 1154.0000.000
39 Alexius 1128.0000.000
40 shfsec 1104.0000.000
41 seginfich 1097.0000.000
42 shrubbery 1060.0000.000
43 CSIRT-NQN 1056.0000.000
44 Ezhkins Soup! 1054.0000.000
45 gamgam 1050.0000.000
46 nnnn 1017.0000.000
47 {{ team.name }} 1006.0000.000
48 quelysol 997.0000.000
49 alfa593 997.0000.000
50 Oxide 954.0000.000
51 0HACKERS 954.0000.000
52 Xyz 954.0000.000
53 LeadByDefault 954.0000.000
54 jnbckr_team 954.0000.000
55 Nightxade 937.0000.000
56 fzhshzh 923.0000.000
57 P01s0n3d_Fl4g 876.0000.000
58 GCTF_Guardia_Team_5 864.0000.000
59 lmrs 854.0000.000
60 LuliandPhil 854.0000.000
61 team_prpl 823.0000.000
62 Hyperstellar 817.0000.000
63 Agent$ 777 817.0000.000
64 '; DROP TABLE users-- 800.0000.000
65 VATAM 791.0000.000
66 Num3R0n4u7s 791.0000.000
67 noreply 782.0000.000
68 B0Ra9 764.0000.000
69 SubEilte 763.0000.000
70 R4nd0m B00l5h1t5 G0 726.0000.000
71 acdwas 723.0000.000
72 Ucha_CTF 723.0000.000
73 GCTF_Guardia_Team_2 673.0000.000
74 UWannaCry 656.0000.000
75 Bugs B0unt3r 650.0000.000
76 D1r3_W0lv35 626.0000.000
77 DH 626.0000.000
78 l0n3ly 606.0000.000
79 bdhxgrp 600.0000.000
80 4IS 600.0000.000
81 Day0Sec 591.0000.000
82 FloppaNation 556.0000.000
83 {_Cyb3rCl4w_} 537.0000.000
84 HK-L0op3rs 500.0000.000
85 temp.dat 500.0000.000
86 BackMoon 500.0000.000
87 Labyrinthine Codebreakers 491.0000.000
88 p1t 426.0000.000
89 Crop 426.0000.000
90 small 426.0000.000
91 Hakers 426.0000.000
92 UAC 400.0000.000
93 ELF Binary 400.0000.000
94 Zwitter 400.0000.000
95 ryuk_death 391.0000.000
96 ppau 356.0000.000
97 Freakazoids 341.0000.000
98 hackuaz 300.0000.000
99 noobs 300.0000.000
100 xls team 291.0000.000
101 NUST_TEAM 250.0000.000
102 firmiana 200.0000.000
103 HackBulla 200.0000.000
104 CyberFloppa 200.0000.000
105 Wired Ghost 200.0000.000
106 flag_bot 200.0000.000
107 B A N D I T S - V II 200.0000.000
108 B A N D I T S - V I I 200.0000.000
109 Golden Han:Ds 200.0000.000
110 solosolosolo 200.0000.000
111 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 200.0000.000
112 [email protected] 200.0000.000
113 superhans 200.0000.000
114 UTL 200.0000.000
115 BertBertBerts 200.0000.000
116 UltimateGeeks 200.0000.000
117 cool hacks 200.0000.000
118 SQU4D 200.0000.000
119 Jaguares 200.0000.000
120 CSIRT-UADY 200.0000.000
121 ENSO 200.0000.000
122 HaerinSimp.py 200.0000.000
123 plus_Ultra 200.0000.000
124 forkbom 200.0000.000
125 maddyman 200.0000.000
126 Fijas 200.0000.000
127 hagin 200.0000.000
128 Cl0ud-th0ughts 200.0000.000
129 jok 200.0000.000
130 Shield-Us 200.0000.000
131 RikiS 200.0000.000
132 3lawi 200.0000.000
133 azooz 200.0000.000
134 CyberUnicorn 200.0000.000
135 thang 200.0000.000
136 TheBoys 200.0000.000
137 xyzsec 100.0000.000
138 1337 100.0000.000
139 ApocalypsisPeru 100.0000.000
140 pepe torres 100.0000.000
141 r4sec 100.0000.000
142 wawa 100.0000.000
143 Black_Cats 100.0000.000
144 草帽一伙' 100.0000.000
145 ain5_ai_htwg 100.0000.000
146 hack_hustlers 100.0000.000
147 Ha3 100.0000.000
148 Zeeshan-1234 100.0000.000
149 GCTF_Guardia_Team_1 100.0000.000
150 {333*333*333} 100.0000.000
151 it4ch1 100.0000.000
152 lund kalind 100.0000.000
153 Journey 100.0000.000
154 ssta 100.0000.000
155 Gr33nLand 100.0000.000
156 vanatka 100.0000.000
157 des 100.0000.000
158 lediyol7 100.0000.000
159 JUL13NC0 100.0000.000
160 c1puT 100.0000.000
161 heheboooiiiiiii 100.0000.000
162 yxyxx 100.0000.000
163 CtfLetsGo 100.0000.000
164 TCTN 100.0000.000
165 b1rds_of_pr3y 100.0000.000
166 dotrongtam4321 100.0000.000
167 chetniy 50.0000.000
168 arsen-test-acc 50.0000.000
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