Fri, 02 June 2023, 16:00 UTC — Sat, 03 June 2023, 21:00 UTC 


US, Santa Clara

Hardware CTF by Quarkslab event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

The Hardware CTF organized by Quarkslab team is there with a new edition!

We've got plenty of challenges related to various themes such as PCB reversing, Microsoldering, BLE, SDR, MCU, automotive and much more. We will provide the hardware hacking tools you might need (soldering iron, logic analyzer, ...) as well as guidance on how to use them.

Just grab your PC and come try to solve our challenges. You'll have fun, learn new skills and who knows, maybe use these skills to break real embedded devices and propose a talk for next year!

Challenges creation and CTF organization by Quarkslab.
Prices sponsored by



Second place:
Third place:


14 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Ctrl+Alt+Defeat 2060.0000.000
2 Faulty Signal 1600.0000.000
3 Need more coffee 950.0000.000
4 7im3Crisys 950.0000.000
5 diff_hell 660.0000.000
6 gsgx 650.0000.000
7 Offroad 300.0000.000
8 blackroot 300.0000.000
9 DaddyDankberg 100.0000.000
10 BitGoblins 100.0000.000
11 Goose Goose Duck 50.0000.000
12 BarSides 50.0000.000
13 barnicole 50.0000.000
14 rmst 50.0000.000
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