Points: 100

Tags: network forensics analysis 

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That’s Not My Name”(Forensic) — DownUnderCTF 2021

The main goal of "That's Not My Name" was find the exfiltration DNS packet that contained the flag


For a complete analisys of the DNS Exfiltration visit this link and the solution https://medium.com/@leonuz/thats-not-my-name-forensic-challenge-writeup-downunderctf-2021-cc8211b6f60b

Unintended solution

In Wireshark, we look up DNS and notice that the strange strings are Hexadecimal, then we do the following:

  1. DUCTF{ → to HEX = 44554354467b
  2. in Wireshark we look for that HEX string and copy its value
  3. then paste the value in CyberChef and decode from HEX
  4. we have the flag


Original Writeup find here: https://medium.com/@leonuz/thats-not-my-name-forensic-challenge-writeup-downunderctf-2021-cc8211b6f60b


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