Also known as
  • A team of one


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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
82Space Heroes 20241127.00002.695
908AmateursCTF 202456.00000.124
41JerseyCTF IV7103.00005.925
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1497th Stage MetaRed TIC Portugal 2023100.00000.218
305EKOPARTY CTF 202326.00000.106
783st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina|CERTUNLP 20231067.00000.751
1044DownUnderCTF 2023225.00000.920
722AmateursCTF 202310.00000.043
276NahamCon CTF 20231889.00003.372
403TJCTF 202345.00000.395
345HeroCTF v5210.00000.449
45Space Heroes 20235555.00007.108
130JerseyCTF III2984.00003.032
126Byte Bandits CTF 2023433.00001.820

Overall rating place: 358 with 93.495 pts in 2022

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
628NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 350.00000.683
471X-MAS CTF 202233.00000.125
576th stage MetaRed CTF Centroamérica y Caribe 20222700.00000.000
245TUCTF 2022350.00000.745
15NO ESCAPE CTF 20221119.00007.804
75th stage MetaRed CTF Ecuador|Cedia 20222905.000018.962
164th stage MetaRed CTF Perú 20222444.000011.584
149 BlueHens CTF 2022626.00001.024
431Hack The Boo2400.000011.833
243rd stage MetaRed CTF Mexico|Anuies-TIC 20221899.00009.407
161DEADFACE CTF1255.00003.812
95GDG Algiers CTF 2022589.00001.247
422nd stage MetaRed CTF Portugal 20221300.00006.271
269WRECKCTF 2022903.00002.212
62DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2022 Quals1150.00004.518
701st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina 2022 (10:00 GMT-3)1004.00002.689
572DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 500.00001.023
582MapleCTF 20221.00000.044
675corCTF 20222.00000.043
243UIUCTF 2022101.00000.501
225DiceCTF @ HOPE 2022613.00002.844
183MCH2022 CTF400.00000.000
72BDSec CTF 20221525.00005.962
287ImaginaryCTF 20221050.00002.397
272Hacky Holidays - Unlock the City435.00000.000
315HSCTF 9796.00002.307
60BCACTF 3.03350.00009.289
353Hack-A-Sat 3 Qualifiers36.00000.489
3276Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 25.00000.039
256TJCTF 2022779.00002.076
494San Diego CTF 202225.00000.113
73EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly3800.00000.000
483ångstromCTF 2022470.00005.646
634NahamCon CTF 20221033.00001.036
97Midnight Flag - INF3KTION1841.00003.067
484b01lers CTF10.00000.150
240*CTF 202256.00000.229
119JerseyCTF II3105.00006.725
63Space Heroes 20222429.00005.365
150OFPPT-CTF Morocco5717.00005.657
281zer0pts CTF 2022115.00000.848
368DaVinciCTF 202281.00000.258
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
50MetaRed International CTF 2021 - 4th STAGE1009.00000.000
29CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 3rd STAGE1755.00000.000
135Bsides Jeddah 20211750.00008.716
82ª etapa CTF de MetaRed México|Anuies-TIC6227.00000.000
354TSG CTF 2021101.00000.915
42Tamil CTF 20214481.00002.725
271DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)1710.00002.636
534H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF550.00000.933
192TMUCTF 2021447.00000.697
499ALLES! CTF 2021104.00000.958
469corCTF 2021306.00000.609
90Hacker's Playground 2021360.00001.926
165Really Awesome CTF 20211300.00003.151
393InCTF 202110.00000.209
331BSides Noida CTF50.00000.162
126RTLxHA CTF 2185.00002.059
183UIUCTF 2021503.00001.217
362Crypto CTF 202119.00000.256
559ImaginaryCTF 2021280.00000.653
574redpwnCTF 2021721.00002.570
58CyberThreatForce CTF | 20211360.00000.000
123Hacky Holidays - Space Race1225.00000.000
421WeCTF 202110.00000.000
345HSCTF 82420.00003.368
238BCACTF 2.01575.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

JerseyCTF IVCrack-a-Mateo [493]read writeup
JerseyCTF IIItimeless [438]read writeup
Space Heroes 2023conspiracy nut [988]read writeup
GDG Algiers CTF 2022Intruder [50]read writeup
GDG Algiers CTF 2022POSTAL [50]read writeup
Hacky Holidays - Unlock the CitySecret Conve.RSA.tions [100]read writeup
EZ CTF | Beginner FriendlyQweauty and the Beast [470]read writeup
Space Heroes 2022Vader [100]read writeup
Space Heroes 2022Mysterious Broadcast [100]read writeup
Space Heroes 2022The Legend of the Chozo [100]read writeup
DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)That’s Not My Name [100]read writeup
Hacky Holidays - Space RaceKnock knock knocking on shuttles door [200]read writeup