Twitter: kymn_

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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 549 with 79.563 pts in 2023

Country place: 26

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
9CakeCTF 20232216.00000.000
3TSG CTF 20233833.000029.642
52SekaiCTF 20231759.00004.676
7WaniCTF 20237053.000026.856
149idekCTF 2022*1381.00001.714
9IrisCTF 20235666.000014.992
64TetCTF 2023200.00001.683

Overall rating place: 194 with 150.067 pts in 2022

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
234ASIS CTF Finals 202227.00001.193
6BackdoorCTF 20221690.000013.203
23INTENT CTF 20221250.00005.491
31Cryptoverse CTF 20224673.000011.314
20ASIS CTF Quals 20221251.000033.702
126SekaiCTF 2022973.00002.388
7CakeCTF 20222230.00000.000
122TFC CTF 20221498.00003.915
10ImaginaryCTF 20226250.000016.221
475vsCTF 2022100.00000.211
14justCTF 20222847.000017.876
209San Diego CTF 2022520.00001.430
55ångstromCTF 20222600.000031.668
209NahamCon CTF 20222833.00002.852
15Midnight Sun CTF 2022 Quals1829.00009.511
26DiceCTF 20221596.00007.167

Overall rating place: 290 with 95.124 pts in 2021

Country place: 15

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
4TSG CTF 20212393.000028.058
128GrabCON CTF 2021950.00000.000
112InCTF 2021210.00001.261
45RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC2329.00000.000
5IJCTF 20216331.000013.229
25ImaginaryCTF 20214955.000011.766
740BCACTF 2.0100.00000.000
46DCTF 20214850.00000.000
25DawgCTF 20213555.00000.000
77Cyber Apocalypse 202111325.000014.338
95PlaidCTF 2021251.00005.141
252HackPack CTF 2021150.00000.000
411RITSEC CTF 2021300.00000.000
66ångstromCTF 20212390.000018.059
102DiceCTF 2021580.00003.271
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
89InCTF 20201004.00003.267
562CCTF 20201.00000.048
28rgbCTF 20208973.000010.050
38TSG CTF 2020512.00003.140
287CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser9.00000.212

Team members

Team writeups

TSG CTF 2023Upside-down cake read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Q??ode read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Secret Sequence read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Graffiti in the Fog read writeup
TSG CTF 2023T the weakest read writeup
TSG CTF 2023beginners_rev_2023 read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Learning with Exploitation read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Streamer read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Complicated Function read writeup
TSG CTF 2023Unique Flag read writeup
TSG CTF 2023#DANCE read writeup
TSG CTF 2023BABA PWN GAME read writeup
TSG CTF 2023tinyfs read writeup
TSG CTF 2023sloader read writeup
TSG CTF 2023converter2 read writeup
TSG CTF 2023converter read writeup